

Electron application boilerplate based on React,React Router,Webpack,React Hot Loader for rapid application development

Live editing development on desktop app

Electronapplication boilerplate based onReact,Redux,React Router,Webpack,React Transform HMRfor rapid application development

First,clone the repo via git:


And then install dependencies.


Run this two commandssimultaneouslyin different console tabs.


or run two servers with one command


Note: requires a node version >= 4 and an npm version >= 2.

  • OS X: Cmd Alt I or F12
  • Linux: Ctrl Shift I or F12
  • Windows: Ctrl Shift I or F12

Seeelectron-debugfor more information.

  • All platforms: Ctrl+H

Seeredux-devtools-dock-monitorfor more information.

Now you can implement it usingremote-redux-devtoolswith aremote monitorby yourself.

If you use any 3rd party libraries which can't be built with webpack,you must list them in yourwebpack.config.base.js


You can find those lines in the file.

This boilerplate out of the Box is configured to usecss-modules.

All.cssfile extensions will use css-modules unless it has.global.css.

If you need global styles,stylesheets with.global.csswill not go through the css-modules loader. e.g.app.global.css


To package apps for all platforms:

  • --name,-n: Application name (default: ElectronReact)
  • --version,-v: Electron version (default: latest version)
  • --asar,-a:asarsupport (default: false)
  • --icon,-i: Application icon
  • --all: pack for all platforms

Useelectron-packagerto pack your app with--alloptions for darwin (osx),linux and win32 (windows) platform. After build,you will find them inreleasefolder. Otherwise,you will only find one for your os.

test,tools,245);">releasefolder and devDependencies inpackage.jsonwill be ignored by default.

We add some module'speerDependenciesto ignore option as default for application size reduction.

Note:If you want to use any above modules in runtime,for example:require('babel/register'),you should move them fromdevDependenciestodependencies.

Please checkoutBuilding windows apps from non-windows platforms.

We usewebpack-target-electron-rendererto provide a build target for electron renderer process. Read more informationhere.

Note: webpack >= 1.12.15 has built-in support forelectron-mainandelectron-renderertargets.

If you want to have native-like User Interface (OS X El Capitan and Windows 10),react-desktopmay perfect suit for you.

MIT ©C. T. Lin


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