instance PrimitivePersistField UUID where toPrimitivePersistValue _ uuid = PersistString $show uuid fromPrimitivePersistValue _ (PersistString a) = fromJust $UUIDmethods.fromString a instance PersistField UUID where persistName _ = "UUID" toPersistValues = primToPersistValue fromPersistValues = primFromPersistValue dbType db _ = case db of Postgresql _ -> DbTypePrimitive (DbOther $OtherTypeDef [Left "uuid"]) False nothing nothing _ -> DbTypePrimitive (DbOther $OtherTypeDef [Left "varchar"]) False nothing nothing
Couldn't match expected type ‘proxy db’ with actual type ‘Postgresql’ Relevant bindings include db :: proxy db (bound at basicGroundhog.hs:34:10) dbType :: proxy db -> UUID -> DbType (bound at basicGroundhag.hs:34:3) In the pattern: Postgresql _ In a case alternative: Postgresql _ -> DbTypePrimitive (DbOther $OtherTypeDef [Left "uuid"]) False nothing nothing In the expression: case db of { Postgresql _ -> DbTypePrimitive (DbOther $OtherTypeDef [Left "uuid"]) False nothing nothing _ -> DbTypePrimitive (DbOther $OtherTypeDef [Left "varchar"]) False nothing nothing }