$template = new Template($MysqLi);
$_SESSION['template'] = serialize($template);
$template = unserialize($_SESSION['template']);
$prodid = $_GET['product_id'];
echo var_dump($template->getItems());
$_SESSION['template'] = serialize($template);
再说一遍,应该很简单.现在问题是,第一位代码没有重置$_SESSION [‘template’],所以我得到了迄今为止我添加的所有项目,重新加载页面并没有修复它.
include_once( 'DBE.class.PHP' ) ;
# Function: Sessions_open
# Parameters: $path (string), $name (string)
# Returns: bool
# Description: This is an over-ride function call
# that we need to create so that the PHP internal
# session manager doesn't store our session in the
# file system, since we are storing it in the
# db. Storing a session in a file system on the
# server inhibits scalability for two reasons:
# 1: A large number of users may be hitting the site
# and clog the space on the hard-drive of the server
# due to the sheer amount of session files stored
# 2: The website may be behind a load-balancer and
# therefore the server handling the page request
# may not have the session stored on its file system
function Sessions_open ( $path, $name ) {
return TRUE ;
# Function: Sessions_close
# Parameters: N/A
# Returns: bool
# Description: This is an over-ride function call
# that we need to create so that the PHP internal
# session manager doesn't store our session in the
# file system, since we are storing it in the
# db. Storing a session in a file system on the
# server inhibits scalability for two reasons:
# 1: A large number of users may be hitting the site
# and clog the space on the hard-drive of the server
# due to the sheer amount of session files stored
# 2: The website may be behind a load-balancer and
# therefore the server handling the page request
# may not have the session stored on its file system
function Sessions_close () {
return TRUE ;
# Function: Sessions_read
# Parameters: $SessionID (string)
# Returns: (string) or (false) on error
# Description: This function is used at startup to read
# the contents of the session.
# If no sess data, the empty string ("") is returned.
# Otherwise, the serialized sess data is returned.
# On error, false is returned.
function Sessions_read ( $SessionID ) {
include_once( 'DBE.class.PHP' ) ;
$dbe = new DBE() ;
//default return value to false
$returnVal = FALSE ;
$query = "SELECT DataValue
FROM Sessions
WHERE SessionID = '$SessionID' " ;
$result = $dbe->Select( $query ) ;
if( count( $result ) == 1 ) {
$returnVal = $result[0]['DataValue'] ;
//update the session so that we don't time-out after creating
$query = "UPDATE Sessions
SET LastUpdated = Now()
WHERE SessionID = '$SessionID'" ;
$dbe->Update( $query ) ;
} else {
//Insert here to simplify the write function
$query = "INSERT INTO Sessions (SessionID, DataValue) VALUES ( '$SessionID', '' )" ;
$dbe->Insert( $query ) ; //pass the insert stmt
//set returnVal to '' being that we didn't find the SessionID
$returnVal = '' ;
return( $returnVal ) ;
# Function: Sessions_write
# Parameters: $SessionID (string), $Data
# Returns: bool
# Description: This function is used at startup to read
# the contents of the session.
# If no sess data, the empty string ("") is returned.
# Otherwise, the serialized sess data is returned.
# On error, false is returned.
function Sessions_write( $SessionID, $Data ) {
include_once( 'DBE.class.PHP' ) ;
$dbe = new DBE() ;
//default to true
$returnVal = TRUE ;
//update the session
$query = "UPDATE Sessions
SET DataValue = '$Data'
WHERE SessionID = '$SessionID'" ;
$result = $dbe->Update( $query ) ; //pass the update stmt to the dbEngine..
//test for success
if( $result == -1 )
$returnVal = FALSE ;
//return the return value
return( $returnVal ) ;
# Function: Sessions_delete
# Parameters: $SessionID (string)
# Returns: bool
# Description: This function is used to delete the session
function Sessions_destroy( $SessionID ) {
include_once( 'DBE.class.PHP' ) ;
$dbe = new DBE() ;
$query = "DELETE FROM Sessions WHERE SessionID = '$SessionID' " ;
$dbe->Delete( $query ) ;
return( TRUE ) ;
# Function: Sessions_delete
# Parameters: $SessionID (string)
# Returns: bool
# Description: This function is used to delete the session
function Sessions_gc( $aMaxLifetime ) {
include_once( 'DBE.class.PHP' ) ;
$dbe = new DBE() ;
$query = "DELETE FROM Sessions WHERE (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Now()) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP( LastUpdated )) > $aMaxLifetime " ;
$dbe->Delete( $query ) ;
return( TRUE ) ;
session_set_save_handler( "Sessions_open", "Sessions_close",
"Sessions_read", "Sessions_write",
"Sessions_destroy", "Sessions_gc" ) ;
$template = new Template($MysqLi);
class Template {
function __construct($c) {
$this->conn = $c;
$this->foo = "bar";
function get_data() {
$result = MysqL_query("select 1234 as test", $this->conn);
$data = MysqL_fetch_array($result);
return $data;
function attach_db($c) {
$this->conn = $c;
$conn = MysqL_connect('localhost', 'root', '');
$template = new Template($conn);
Your $template var, freshly created:
<?PHP var_dump($template); ?>
Accessing the resources:
<?PHP var_dump($template->get_data()); ?>
$_SESSION['template'] = serialize($template);
$template = unserialize($_SESSION['template']);
Unserialized $template:
<?PHP var_dump($template); ?>
(notice that $template->foo === "bar" so your session un/serialization is working correctly)
Accessing the (Now invalid) MysqL resources:
<?PHP var_dump($template->get_data()); ?>
Your $template var, freshly created:
object(Template)#1 (2) {
resource(3) of type (MysqL link)
string(3) “bar”
}Accessing the resources:
array(2) {
string(4) “1234”
string(4) “1234”
Unserialized $template:
object(Template)#1 (2) {
string(3) “bar”
(notice that $template->foo === “bar” so your session un/serialization is working correctly)Accessing the (Now invalid) MysqL resources:
Warning: MysqL_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MysqL-Link resource in template.PHP on line 9
Warning: MysqL_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MysqL result resource in template.PHP on line 10
$template = unserialize($_SESSION['template']);
Unserialized $template:
<?PHP var_dump($template); ?>
Attaching a valid db connection:
$conn = MysqL_connect('localhost', 'root', '');
Accessing the resources:
<?PHP var_dump($template->get_data()); ?>
Unserialized $template:
object(Template)#1 (2) {
string(3) “bar”
}Attaching a valid db connection:
object(Template)#1 (2) {
resource(3) of type (MysqL link)
string(3) “bar”
}Accessing the resources:
array(2) {
string(4) “1234”
string(4) “1234”