
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 RMAN> startup nomount;   connected to target database (not started) Oracle instance started   Total System Global Area   51309510656 bytes   Fixed Size                     2231608 bytes Variable Size              30467424968 bytes Database Buffers           20803747840 bytes Redo Buffers                  36106240 bytes   RMAN>   RMAN> restore standby controlfile from '/oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_86sou91p_1_1';   Starting restore at 24-JAN-18 allocated channel: ORA_disK_1 channel ORA_disK_1: SID=227 device type=disK   channel ORA_disK_1: restoring control file channel ORA_disK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:15 output file name=/oracle/ORA/origlogA/cntrl/controlstandby1.ctl Finished restore at 24-JAN-18   RMAN>   RMAN> startup mount;   database is already started database mounted released channel: ORA_disK_1   RMAN>   RMAN> catalog start with '/oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile';   searching for all files that match the pattORA /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile   List of Files UnkNown to the Database ===================================== File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_86sou91p_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_controlfile.bak File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_easot9an_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_ebsot9ao_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_ecsot9aq_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_edsot9as_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_eesot9au_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_rnsottd8_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_ttsotuif_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/control_file/ForStandby_86sou91p_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/control_file/ForStandby_controlfile.bak   Do you really want to catalog the above files (enter YES or NO)? yes cataloging files... cataloging done   List of Cataloged Files ======================= File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_86sou91p_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_controlfile.bak File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_easot9an_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_ebsot9ao_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_ecsot9aq_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_edsot9as_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_eesot9au_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_rnsottd8_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_ttsotuif_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/control_file/ForStandby_86sou91p_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/control_file/ForStandby_controlfile.bak   RMAN>   RMAN> recover database noredo;   Starting recover at 24-JAN-18 allocated channel: ORA_disK_1 channel ORA_disK_1: SID=227 device type=disK RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-03002: failure of recover command at 01/24/2018 11:25:30 RMAN-06094: datafile 417 must be restored   RMAN>   RMAN> switch database to copy;   RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-03002: failure of switch to copy command at 01/24/2018 11:40:54 RMAN-06571: datafile 1 does not have recoverable copy   RMAN>



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 AIX-ME:oraORA 8> sqlplus / as sysdba   sql*Plus: Release Production on Wed Jan 24 11:27:06 2018   copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.     Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options   sql> select instance_name,status from v$instance;   INSTANCE_NAME    STATUS ---------------- ------------ ORA              MOUNTED   sql> sql> select name,database_role,open_mode from v$database;   NAME      DATABASE_ROLE    OPEN_MODE --------- ---------------- -------------------- ORA       PHYSICAL STANDBY MOUNTED   sql> sql> col name for a45 sql> set linesize 300 sql> select file#,name,bytes,status,to_date(CREATION_TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') "Create",to_date(ONLINE_TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') "Online" from v$datafile where file#=417;        FILE# NAME                                               BYTES STATUS  Create          Online ---------- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------- --------------- ---------------        417 /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_382/xer.382data              0 ONLINE  18-JAN-04   sql> sql> select file#,name,bytes,status,to_date(CREATION_TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') "Create",to_date(ONLINE_TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') "Online" from v$datafile where file#>415;        FILE# NAME                                               BYTES STATUS  Create          Online ---------- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------- --------------- ---------------        416 /oracle/ORA/db_data20/xer_381/xer.381data     3.2212E+10 ONLINE  17-DEC-01        417 /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_382/xer.382data              0 ONLINE  18-JAN-04        418 /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_383/xer.383data              0 ONLINE  18-JAN-04        419 /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_384/xer.384data              0 ONLINE  18-JAN-04        420 /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_385/xer.385data              0 ONLINE  18-JAN-04   sql> sql> col name for a45 sql> set linesize 300 sql> select df.file#,ts.name,df.name,df.bytes,df.status,to_date(df.CREATION_TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') "Create",to_date(df.ONLINE_TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') "Online" from v$datafile df,v$tablespace ts where ts.ts#=df.ts# and df.file#>415;        FILE# NAME                                          NAME                                               BYTES STATUS  Create          Online ---------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------- --------------- ---------------        416 PSAPXER                                       /oracle/ORA/db_data20/xer_381/xer.381data     3.2212E+10 ONLINE  17-DEC-01        417 PSAPXER                                       /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_382/xer.382data              0 ONLINE  18-JAN-04        420 PSAPXER                                       /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_385/xer.385data              0 ONLINE  18-JAN-04        419 PSAPXER                                       /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_384/xer.384data              0 ONLINE  18-JAN-04        418 PSAPXER                                       /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_383/xer.383data              0 ONLINE  18-JAN-04   sql>

可以看到,文件编号:417 / 418 /419 /420的数据文件都为空。


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 RMAN> report schema;   RMAN-06139: WARNING: control file is not current for REPORT SCHEMA Report of database schema for database with db_unique_name STANDBY1   List of Permanent Datafiles =========================== File Size(MB) Tablespace           RB segs Datafile Name ---- -------- -------------------- ------- ------------------------ 1    5000     SYstem               ***     /oracle/ORA/db_data1/system_1/system.data1 2    10000    PSAPUNDO             ***     /oracle/ORA/db_data1/undo_1/undo.data1 3    16000    SYSAUX               ***     /oracle/ORA/db_data1/sysaux_1/sysaux.data1 4    16000    PSAPXER              ***     /oracle/ORA/db_data2/xer_1/xer.data1 5    16000    PSAPXER              ***     /oracle/ORA/db_data2/xer_2/xer.data2 6    16000    PSAPXER              ***     /oracle/ORA/db_data2/xer_3/xer.data3 7    16000    PSAPXER              ***     /oracle/ORA/db_data2/xer_4/xer.data4 8    16000    PSAPXER              ***     /oracle/ORA/db_data2/xer_5/xer.data5 9    16000    PSAPXER              ***     /oracle/ORA/db_data2/xer_6/xer.data6   (过多的输出,... )   413  30720    PSAPXER              ***     /oracle/ORA/db_data20/xer_378/xer.378data 414  30720    PSAPXER              ***     /oracle/ORA/db_data20/xer_379/xer.379data 415  30720    PSAPXER              ***     /oracle/ORA/db_data20/xer_380/xer.380data 416  30720    PSAPXER              ***     /oracle/ORA/db_data20/xer_381/xer.381data 417  0        PSAPXER              ***     /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_382/xer.382data 418  0        PSAPXER              ***     /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_383/xer.383data 419  0        PSAPXER              ***     /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_384/xer.384data 420  0        PSAPXER              ***     /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_385/xer.385data   List of Temporary Files ======================= File Size(MB) Tablespace           Maxsize(MB) Tempfile Name ---- -------- -------------------- ----------- -------------------- 1    3000     PSAPTEMP             10000       /oracle/ORA/db_data1/temp_1/temp.data1 2    300      PSAPIBMTEMP          300         /oracle/ORA/db_data5/ibmtemp_1/ibmtemp.data1 3    10000    PSAPTEMP             10000       /oracle/ORA/db_data6/temp_2/temp.data2 4    5000     PSAPTEMP             5000        /oracle/ORA/db_data9/temp_3/temp.data3 5    5000     PSAPTEMP             5000        /oracle/ORA/db_data9/temp_4/temp.data4 6    5000     PSAPTEMP             5000        /oracle/ORA/db_data9/temp_5/temp.data5   RMAN>


一样可以看到,417 / 418 / 419 / 420的大小有问题。


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 AIX-ME:oraORA 13> ls -ltr /oracle/ORA/db_data14/ total 0 drwxr-xr-x    2 oraORA   dba             256 Jul 11 2015  lost+found drwx------    2 oraORA   dba             256 Jul 13 2015  xer_134 drwx------    2 oraORA   dba             256 Jul 13 2015  xer_135 drwx------    2 oraORA   dba             256 Jul 13 2015  xer_137 drwx------    2 oraORA   dba             256 Jul 13 2015  xer_139 drwx------    2 oraORA   dba             256 Jul 13 2015  xer_153 drwx------    2 oraORA   dba             256 Jul 13 2015  xer_156 drwx------    2 oraORA   dba             256 Jul 13 2015  xer_136 drwx------    2 oraORA   dba             256 Jul 13 2015  xer_138 drwx------    2 oraORA   dba             256 Jul 13 2015  xer_155 drwx------    2 oraORA   dba             256 Aug 24 2016  xer_303 drwx------    2 oraORA   dba             256 Aug 24 2016  xer_304 drwx------    2 oraORA   dba             256 Aug 24 2016  xer_305 AIX-ME:oraORA 14> AIX-ME:oraORA 14> ls -ltr /oracle/ORA/db_data14/ | grep _38 AIX-ME:oraORA 15>


确实不存在,… 应该是主库端的文件,但是还没有跟着归档日志传到备库端。

Steps to perform for Rolling forward a standby database using RMAN incremental backup when datafile is added to primary (文档 ID 1531031.1)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 sql> set linesize 300 sql> select file#,name,checkpoint_change#,bytes from v$datafile where file# > 415;        FILE# NAME                                          CHECKPOINT_CHANGE#      BYTES ---------- --------------------------------------------- ------------------ ----------        416 /oracle/ORA/db_data20/xer_381/xer.381data          4577622073896 3.2212E+10        417 /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_382/xer.382data          4577622073896          0        418 /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_383/xer.383data          4577622073896          0        419 /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_384/xer.384data          4577622073896          0        420 /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_385/xer.385data          4577622073896          0   sql>



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 sql> col current_scn for 99999999999999999 sql> select name,database_role,current_scn,open_mode from v$database;   NAME                                          DATABASE_ROLE           CURRENT_SCN OPEN_MODE --------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------------ -------------------- ORA                                           PHYSICAL STANDBY      4577622141526 MOUNTED   sql>



1 2 3 backup datafile [缺少的数据文件编号] format '[存储备份集的路径]' tag 'ForStandbyDB'; # backup incremental from SCN 3162298 database format '/tmp/ForStandby_%U' tag 'FORSTANDBY'; # backup current controlfile for standby format '/tmp/ForStandbyCTRL.bck';




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 .1 shutdown immediate; 0. startup nomount; 1. restore standby controlfile from 'xxxx' 2. alter database mount; 3. catalog start with 'xxxx' 4. run {   set newname for datafile xxxx to 'xxx';   restore datafile xxx; } 5. switch database to copy; 6. recover database noredo;



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 RMAN> restore standby controlfile from '/oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_86sou91p_1_1';   Starting restore at 24-JAN-18 using target database control file instead of recovery catalog allocated channel: ORA_disK_1 channel ORA_disK_1: SID=227 device type=disK   channel ORA_disK_1: restoring control file channel ORA_disK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:15 output file name=/oracle/ORA/origlogA/cntrl/controlstandby1.ctl Finished restore at 24-JAN-18   RMAN> startup mount;   database is already started database mounted released channel: ORA_disK_1   RMAN>   RMAN> catalog start with '/oracle_backup/datafile_417to420';   searching for all files that match the pattORA /oracle_backup/datafile_417to420   List of Files UnkNown to the Database ===================================== File Name: /oracle_backup/datafile_417to420/ForStandby_d5spg6nj_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/datafile_417to420/ForStandby_d6spg6nj_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/datafile_417to420/ForStandby_d7spg6nj_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/datafile_417to420/ForStandby_d8spg6nj_1_1   Do you really want to catalog the above files (enter YES or NO)? yes cataloging files... cataloging done   List of Cataloged Files ======================= File Name: /oracle_backup/datafile_417to420/ForStandby_d5spg6nj_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/datafile_417to420/ForStandby_d6spg6nj_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/datafile_417to420/ForStandby_d7spg6nj_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/datafile_417to420/ForStandby_d8spg6nj_1_1   RMAN>   RMAN>       RMAN> run { 2> set newname for datafile 417 to '/oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_382/xer.382data'; set newname for datafile 418 to '/oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_383/xer.383data'; 3> 4> set newname for datafile 419 to '/oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_384/xer.384data'; set newname for datafile 420 to '/oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_385/xer.385data'; 5> 6> }   executing command: SET NEWNAME   executing command: SET NEWNAME   executing command: SET NEWNAME   executing command: SET NEWNAME   RMAN>


【switch database to copy】的时候你可能会遇到这样的错误

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RMAN> switch database to copy;   RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-03002: failure of switch to copy command at 01/24/2018 18:06:32 RMAN-06571: datafile 1 does not have recoverable copy   RMAN>



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 RMAN> restore datafile 418;   Starting restore at 24-JAN-18 using target database control file instead of recovery catalog allocated channel: ORA_disK_1 channel ORA_disK_1: SID=899 device type=disK   channel ORA_disK_1: starting datafile backup set restore channel ORA_disK_1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set channel ORA_disK_1: restoring datafile 00418 to /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_383/xer.383data channel ORA_disK_1: reading from backup piece /oracle_backup/datafile_417to420/ForStandby_d6spg6nj_1_1 channel ORA_disK_1: errors found reading piece handle=/oracle_backup/datafile_417to420/ForStandby_d6spg6nj_1_1 channel ORA_disK_1: failover to piece handle=/oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_d6spg6nj_1_1 tag=FORSTANDBY0124 channel ORA_disK_1: restored backup piece 1 channel ORA_disK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:02:05 Finished restore at 24-JAN-18   RMAN>




1 2 3 root@AIX-ME:/ # du -sm /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_382/xer.382data 30720.79        /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_382/xer.382data root@AIX-ME:/ #



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 sql> select file#,name,bytes,checkpoint_change#,status from v$datafile where file# > 415;        FILE# NAME                                               BYTES CHECKPOINT_CHANGE# STATUS ---------- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------ -------        416 /oracle/ORA/db_data20/xer_381/xer.381data     3.2212E+10      4577622073896 ONLINE        417 /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_382/xer.382data     3.2212E+10      4577622073896 ONLINE        418 /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_383/xer.383data     3.2212E+10      4577622073896 ONLINE        419 /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_384/xer.384data              0      4577622073896 ONLINE        420 /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_385/xer.385data              0      4577622073896 ONLINE   sql>


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 AIX-ME:oraORA 4> rman target /   Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Wed Jan 24 18:41:50 2018   copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.   connected to target database (not started)   RMAN> startup nomount;   Oracle instance started   Total System Global Area   51309510656 bytes   Fixed Size                     2231608 bytes Variable Size              30467424968 bytes Database Buffers           20803747840 bytes Redo Buffers                  36106240 bytes   RMAN> restore standby controlfile from '/oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_86sou91p_1_1';   Starting restore at 24-JAN-18 using target database control file instead of recovery catalog allocated channel: ORA_disK_1 channel ORA_disK_1: SID=227 device type=disK   channel ORA_disK_1: restoring control file channel ORA_disK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:15 output file name=/oracle/ORA/origlogA/cntrl/controlstandby1.ctl Finished restore at 24-JAN-18   RMAN>   RMAN> startup mount;   database is already started database mounted released channel: ORA_disK_1   RMAN>   RMAN>   RMAN> catalog start with '/oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile';   searching for all files that match the pattORA /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile   List of Files UnkNown to the Database ===================================== File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_86sou91p_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_controlfile.bak File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_d5spg6nj_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_d6spg6nj_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_d7spg6nj_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_d8spg6nj_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_easot9an_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_ebsot9ao_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_ecsot9aq_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_edsot9as_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_eesot9au_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_rnsottd8_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_ttsotuif_1_1   Do you really want to catalog the above files (enter YES or NO)? yes cataloging files... cataloging done   List of Cataloged Files ======================= File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_86sou91p_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_controlfile.bak File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_d5spg6nj_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_d6spg6nj_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_d7spg6nj_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_d8spg6nj_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_easot9an_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_ebsot9ao_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_ecsot9aq_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_edsot9as_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_eesot9au_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_rnsottd8_1_1 File Name: /oracle_backup/ac_rman_datafile/ForStandby_ttsotuif_1_1   RMAN>   RMAN> recover database noredo;   Starting recover at 24-JAN-18 allocated channel: ORA_disK_1 channel ORA_disK_1: SID=227 device type=disK channel ORA_disK_1: starting incremental datafile backup set restore channel ORA_disK_1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set destination for restore of datafile 00001: /oracle/ORA/db_data1/system_1/system.data1 destination for restore of datafile 00010: /oracle/ORA/db_data2/xer_7/xer.data7 destination for restore of datafile 00016: /oracle/ORA/db_data3/xer700x_5/xer700x.data5 destination for restore of datafile 00028: /oracle/ORA/db_data2/xer_14/xer.data14 destination for restore of datafile 00035: /oracle/ORA/db_data4/xer_21/xer.data21 destination for restore of datafile 00042: /oracle/ORA/db_data4/xer_28/xer.data28 destination for restore of datafile 00049: /oracle/ORA/db_data4/xer_36/xer.data36 destination for restore of datafile 00051: /oracle/ORA/db_data4/xer_37/xer.data37 destination for restore of datafile 00056: /oracle/ORA/db_data3/xer_42/xer.data42 destination for restore of datafile 00060: /oracle/ORA/db_data3/xer_46/xer.data46 destination for restore of datafile 00069: /oracle/ORA/db_data5/xer_54/xer.data54 destination for restore of datafile 00076: /oracle/ORA/db_data5/xer_61/xer.data61 destination for restore of datafile 00083: /oracle/ORA/db_data5/xer_68/xer.data68 destination for restore of datafile 00089: /oracle/ORA/db_data6/xer_73/xer.data73 destination for restore of datafile 00096: /oracle/ORA/db_data7/xer701_3/xer701.data3 destination for restore of datafile 00100: /oracle/ORA/db_data1/undo_2/undo.data2 destination for restore of datafile 00107: /oracle/ORA/db_data8/xer_84/xer.data84 destination for restore of datafile 00114: /oracle/ORA/db_data9/xer_91/xer.data91 destination for restore of datafile 00122: /oracle/ORA/db_data11/xer_98/xer.data98 destination for restore of datafile 00129: /oracle/ORA/db_data11/xer_105/xer.data105 destination for restore of datafile 00136: /oracle/ORA/db_data5/xer_112/xer.data112 destination for restore of datafile 00143: /oracle/ORA/db_data12/xer_119/xer.data119 destination for restore of datafile 00144: /oracle/ORA/db_data12/xer_120/xer.data120 destination for restore of datafile 00151: /oracle/ORA/db_data13/xer_127/xer.data127 destination for restore of datafile 00158: /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_134/xer.data134 destination for restore of datafile 00165: /oracle/ORA/db_data15/xer_141/xer.data141 destination for restore of datafile 00172: /oracle/ORA/db_data16/xer_148/xer.data148 destination for restore of datafile 00179: /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_155/xer.data155 destination for restore of datafile 00186: /oracle/ORA/db_data17/xer_162/xer.data162 destination for restore of datafile 00193: /oracle/ORA/db_data18/xer_169/xer.data169 destination for restore of datafile 00200: /oracle/ORA/db_data19/xer_176/xer.data176 destination for restore of datafile 00207: /oracle/ORA/db_data20/xer_183/xer.data183 destination for restore of datafile 00214: /oracle/ORA/db_data20/xer_190/xer.data190 destination for restore of datafile 00221: /oracle/ORA/db_data21/xer_197/xer.data197 destination for restore of datafile 00228: /oracle/ORA/db_data22/xer_204/xer.data204 destination for restore of datafile 00236: /oracle/ORA/db_data19/xer_211/xer.data211 destination for restore of datafile 00243: /oracle/ORA/db_data23/xer_218/xer.data218 destination for restore of datafile 00250: /oracle/ORA/db_data24/xer_225/xer.data225 destination for restore of datafile 00257: /oracle/ORA/db_data23/xer_232/xer.data232 destination for restore of datafile 00264: /oracle/ORA/db_data23/xer_239/xer.data239 destination for restore of datafile 00271: /oracle/ORA/db_data24/xer_246/xer.data246 destination for restore of datafile 00278: /oracle/ORA/db_data24/xer_253/xer.data253 destination for restore of datafile 00294: /oracle/ORA/db_data9/xer_266/xer.data266 destination for restore of datafile 00301: /oracle/ORA/db_data22/xer_272/xer.data272 destination for restore of datafile 00304: /oracle/ORA/db_data9/xer_275/xer.data275 destination for restore of datafile 00311: /oracle/ORA/db_data6/xer_282/xer.data282 destination for restore of datafile 00318: /oracle/ORA/db_data23/xer_289/xer.data289 destination for restore of datafile 00326: /oracle/ORA/db_data11/xer_296/xer.data296 destination for restore of datafile 00336: /oracle/ORA/db_data14/xer_305/xer.305data destination for restore of datafile 00345: /oracle/ORA/db_data13/xer_312/xer.312data destination for restore of datafile 00352: /oracle/ORA/db_data16/xer_319/xer.319data destination for restore of datafile 00361: /oracle/ORA/db_data7/xer_326/xer.326data destination for restore of datafile 00368: /oracle/ORA/db_data21/xer_333/xer.333data destination for restore of datafile 00375: /oracle/ORA/db_data16/xer_340/xer.340.data destination for restore of datafile 00382: /oracle/ORA/db_data19/xer_347/xer.347data destination for restore of datafile 00389: /oracle/ORA/db_data8/xer_354/xer.354data destination for restore of datafile 00396: /oracle/ORA/db_data18/xer_361/xer.361data destination for restore of datafile 00403: /oracle/ORA/db_data18/xer_368/xer.368data destination for restore of datafile 00410: /oracle/ORA/db_data13/xer_375/xer.375data channel ORA_disK_1: reading from backup piece /bbbb/db_incr_20180117/ForStandby_ebsot9ao_1_1   (过多的输出,... )   channel ORA_disK_1: reading from backup piece /bbbb/db_incr_20180117/ForStandby_ttsotuif_1_1 channel ORA_disK_1: piece handle=/bbbb/db_incr_20180117/ForStandby_ttsotuif_1_1 tag=FORSTANDBY channel ORA_disK_1: restored backup piece 1 channel ORA_disK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:38:56   Finished recover at 24-JAN-18 Recovery Manager complete.   RMAN>






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