exp 用户名/密码@itrm file=/root/itrm.dmp full=y 1.创建表空间 create tablespace TBS_ITIL_DATA logging datafile '/opt/oradata/oracle//itrm.dbf' size 1024m autoextend on next 100m maxsize unlimited extent management local; /home/app/oradata/ESPTESTDB/esptestpdb1 2.创建用户 create user itrm identified by itrm default tablespace TBS_ITIL_DATA; 3.授权 grant connect,dba to itrm; grant sysdba to cmistestsit; grant imp_full_database to cmistestsit; grant all privileges to cmistestsit; --授予用户查看表结构权限 grant select on DBA_TAB_COLUMNS to ncmistest; alter user YCMSDATA account unlock;grant dba to YCMSDATA ;