c# – 为什么.NET Core中缺少List.ForEach?

我正在移植一些代码以使用 Windows应用商店应用程序并注意到List< T> .ForEach方法未包含在.NET Core框架(Windows应用商店应用引用的框架)中.

MSDN确认Store Apps不支持它.



I can easily get around the missing method,but at this point I’m just curIoUs why it’s missing.

我怀疑它被认为是不必要的臃肿,这可能会更好,而不是在框架中开始,如using foreach is usually cleaner.

实际上,从该博客文章底部链接,MSFT在MSDN forums中提供了答案:

List<T>.ForEach has been removed in Metro style apps. While the method seems simple it has a number of potential problems when the list gets mutated by the method passed to ForEach. Instead it is recommended that you simply use a foreach loop.


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