SQL order by子句是否保证稳定(按标准)


SELECT a,b,c from Table1 Order By a asc,b asc;


The standard does not prevent the use of a stable sort,but it also
does not require it.


这种排序不能保证稳定.我认为sql Server documentation对如何实现稳定排序有一个很好的解释:

To achieve stable results between query requests using OFFSET and
FETCH,the following conditions must be met:
The underlying data that is used by the query must not change. That is,either the rows touched
by the query are not updated or all requests for pages from the query
are executed in a single transaction using either snapshot or
serializable transaction isolation. For more information about these
transaction isolation levels,see SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL
(Transact-sql). The ORDER BY clause contains a column or combination
of columns that are guaranteed to be unique.




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