sql-server – 什么是TDS协议版本8.0,为什么要使用它?



Does FreeTDS support Microsoft servers?

Yes. Microsoft servers don’t usually accept TDS 5.0 connections. Use
one of versions 4.2,7.0 or 8.0 of the protocol. See the 07001
for details.

User Guide

[No mention of 8.0 anywhere on the page.]



FreeTDS“版本8”实际上是版本7.1.不幸的是,你必须看看“ history of TDS versions页面来解释,但是这里的解释是:

Earlier FreeTDS documentation referred to versions 7,8 and 9. Microsoft subsequently published a protocol specification document denoting 7.1 and 7.2,and one finds scattered references using that scheme elsewhere,too. For that reason,FreeTDS switched to Microsoft’s nomenclature.


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