sql-server – 无法使用pymssql连接到SQL Server数据库,但可以使用底层的freetds tsql连接

我不知道为什么我收到这个错误,找不到任何解决方案.我可以使用freetds tsql连接到sql Server数据库,但是当使用pymssql.connect连接时,我不断收到错误.


pymssql.OperationalError: (18456,“Login Failed for user ‘xxx’.DB-Lib error message 18456,severity 14:\nGeneral sql Server
error: Check messages from the sql Server\nDB-Lib error message 20002,
severity 9:\nAdaptive Server connection Failed\n”)


    host = myhost
    port = 1433
    tds version = 7.0
    encryption = request
    dump file = /tmp/freetds.log


tsql -S custom_config -U tsmv -P xxx


locale is "en_US.UTF-8"
locale charset is "UTF-8"
using default charset "UTF-8"



>> import pymssql
>> pymssql.connect(server='custom_config',user='user',password='xxx',database='database')


我正在使用Linux CentOS,python 2.6.6,freetds 0.92 dev(我已经尝试使用其他版本编译tdsver = 7.0).


log.c:196:Starting log file for FreeTDS 0.92
on 2012-04-12 10:39:15 with debug flags 0x4fff.
iconv.c:187:local name for ISO-8859-1 is ISO-8859-1
iconv.c:187:local name for UTF-8 is UTF-8
iconv.c:187:local name for UCS-2LE is UCS-2LE
iconv.c:187:local name for UCS-2BE is UCS-2BE
iconv.c:349:setting up conversions for client charset "ISO-8859-1"
iconv.c:351:preparing iconv for "ISO-8859-1" <-> "UCS-2LE" conversion
iconv.c:391:preparing iconv for "ISO-8859-1" <-> "UCS-2LE" conversion
iconv.c:394:tds_iconv_open: done
net.c:205:Connecting to xx.x.x.xxx port 1433 (TDS version 7.1)
net.c:270:tds_open_socket: connect(2) returned "Operation Now in progress"
net.c:310:tds_open_socket() succeeded
util.c:156:Changed query state from DEAD to IDLE
net.c:741:Sending packet
0000 12 01 00 34 00 00 00 00-00 00 15 00 06 01 00 1b |...4.... ........|
0010 00 01 02 00 1c 00 0c 03-00 28 00 04 ff 08 00 01 |........ .(......|
0020 55 00 00 02 4d 53 53 51-4c 53 65 72 76 65 72 00 |U...MSSQ LServer.|
0030 c7 39 00 00            -                        |.9..|

net.c:555:Received header
0000 04 01 00 25 00 00 01 00-                        |...%....|

net.c:609:Received packet
0000 04 01 00 25 00 00 01 00-00 00 15 00 06 01 00 1b |...%.... ........|
0010 00 01 02 00 1c 00 01 03-00 1d 00 00 ff 0a 00 0f |........ ........|
0020 a0 00 00 02 00         -                        |.....|

login.c:1057:detected flag 2
login.c:782:quietly sending TDS 7+ login packet
net.c:555:Received header
0000 04 01 00 72 00 51 01 00-                        |...r.Q..|

net.c:609:Received packet
0000 04 01 00 72 00 51 01 00-aa 5e 00 18 48 00 00 01 |...r.Q.. .^..H...|
0010 0e 1d 00 4c 00 6f 00 67-00 69 00 6e 00 20 00 66 |...L.o.g .i.n. .f|
0020 00 61 00 69 00 6c 00 65-00 64 00 20 00 66 00 6f |.a.i.l.e .d. .f.o|
0030 00 72 00 20 00 75 00 73-00 65 00 72 00 20 00 27 |.r. .u.s .e.r. .'|
0040 00 74 00 73 00 6d 00 76-00 27 00 2e 00 0c 4d 00 |.t.s.m.v .'....M.|
0050 43 00 53 00 2d 00 44 00-41 00 54 00 41 00 42 00 |C.S.-.D. A.T.A.B.|
0060 41 00 53 00 45 00 00 01-00 fd 02 00 00 00 00 00 |A.S.E... ........|
0070 00 00                  -                        |..|

token.c:337:looking for login token,got  aa(ERROR)
token.c:122:tds_process_default_tokens() marker is aa(ERROR)
token.c:2588:tds_process_msg() reading message 18456 from server
token.c:2661:tds_process_msg() calling client msg handler
dbutil.c:86:msgno 18456: "Login Failed for user 'xxx'."
token.c:2674:tds_process_msg() returning TDS_SUCCEED
token.c:337:looking for login token,got  fd(DONE)
token.c:122:tds_process_default_tokens() marker is fd(DONE)
token.c:2339:tds_process_end: more_results = 0
    was_cancelled = 0
    error = 1
    done_count_valid = 0
token.c:2355:tds_process_end() state set to TDS_IDLE
token.c:2370:                rows_affected = 0
token.c:438:tds_process_login_tokens() returning TDS_FAIL
login.c:466:login packet accepted
util.c:156:Changed query state from IDLE to DEAD
dblib.c:7981:20002: "Adaptive Server connection Failed"
dblib.c:8002:"Adaptive Server connection Failed",client returns 2 (INT_CANCEL)
util.c:361:tdserror: client library returned TDS_INT_CANCEL(2)
util.c:384:tdserror: returning TDS_INT_CANCEL(2)



“Adaptive Server连接失败”似乎是一个相当通用的消息,但这里有一些事情要尝试.

>此邮件列表线程(http://lists.ibiblio.org/pipermail/freetds/2010q3/026060.html)表示使用不正确的TDS协议导致“Adaptive Server连接失败”消息.在咀嚼面包的日志中似乎不是这样,但也可能帮助别人.

一个是尝试通过tsql -H来测试tds连接,它绕过conf并读取传入的值.鉴于上述conf可以同时支持端口和协议版本,可能需要检查与tsql -C一起查看是否需要进行调整.


real “Login incorrect” messages has code=18456 and severity=14


>同一节讲述了不同的字符集搞砸了mssql.connect,所以也许尝试一个基本的密码(即ASCII 65-90),以确保在翻译中没有任何东西丢失.看起来Aki与日本人合作,也许这也是一个原因.


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