sql-server – 如果我还为A记录创建了SPN,kerberos是否可以使用CNAME?

我们目前正在设置sql 2012环境,它将用于存储SSRS在sharepoint集成模式下访问的数据.我们将使用Kerberos进行身份验证.

我们希望能够做的是为sql server使用cnames.我们使用认实例,每个服务器只需要一个实例.

我关心的是kerberos,IE / .NET和CNAME的已知问题.我想知道只要我确保为CNAME和sql服务器的A-Record正确设置SPN,这个配置是否会起作用?



““You must register the Kerberos service principal names (SPNs),the
host name,and the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) for all the new
DNS alias (CNAME) records. If you do not do this,a Kerberos ticket
request for a DNS alias (CNAME) record may fail and return the error


For follow up I can confirm that the kerberos connection is
established correctly. Thanks for the link as it confirms that only a
CNAME is needed as long as the SPN is created for the sql Cluster


Technically,because sql Server SPNs include an instance name (if you
are using the second-named instance on the same computer),you can
register the DNS host for the cluster as a CNAME alias and avoid the
CNAME issue described in Appendix A,Kerberos configuration kNown
issues (SharePoint Server 2010). However,if you choose to use CNAMEs,
you have to register an SPN using the DNS (A) record host name for the
CNAME aliases.



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