sql-server – 如何验证Windows集群以前是否已成功验证?

作为自动sql Server安装过程的一部分,我想以编程方式检查 Windows故障转移群集是否已经过验证.

有一些方法可以以编程方式验证集群,例如Powershell cmdlet Test-Cluster,但是我没有找到一种方法来检查验证状态而不重新运行验证过程,这可能很慢,对于某些人来说测试需要使磁盘脱机.

有没有办法检查验证状态,例如可以通过WMI,注册表或Powershell cmdlet访问的属性


如果是我,我想查看群集验证报告.根据 technet,
To view the results of the tests after you close the wizard,choose
   one of the following:

 * Open the folder systemroot\Cluster\Reports (on a clustered server).

 * In the console tree,right-click the cluster,and then click View
   Validation Report. This displays the most recent validation report   
   for that cluster.


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