sql-server – SQL Server中是否存在“包含文件”的概念?

我有一组需要按特定顺序运行的脚本.我想创建一个“主文件”,列出所有其他文件及其正确的顺序.基本上就像来自C或ASP / VBScript的包含文件.


如果您使用的是 SQLCMD,则可以使用:r FileName包含单独的.sql文件.

:r FileName

Parses additional T-sql statements and sqlCMD commands from the file specified by FileName into the statement cache. FileName is read relative to the startup directory for Visual Studio. The file is read and executed after a batch terminator is encountered. You can issue multiple :r commands. The file can include any sqlCMD command,including the batch terminator that is defined in Tools,Options. You can use :r in a pre-deployment or post-deployment script to include other scripts.


SELECT a.*,b.dp_name,c.pa_name,fm_name=(CASE WHEN a.fm_n...
if not exists(select name from syscolumns where name=&am...
select a.*,pano=a.pa_no,b.pa_name,f.dp_name,e.fw_state_n...
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