sql-server – Visual Studio和SQL Server – 正确的安装顺序?

我开始使用sql 2008 Developer,然后是VS 2008 Pro,然后是sql SP1,然后是VS SP1.结果是我无法打开SSIS项目(见下面的错误).什么是正确的顺序,以便我可以避免安装sql Server Express,并仍然具有所有的功能工作?
Microsoft Visual Studio
Package Load Failure

Package 'DataWarehouse VSIntegration layer' has Failed to load properly ( GUID =
{4A0C6509-BF90-43DA-ABEE-0ABA3A8527F1} ). Please contact package vendor for 
assistance. Application restart is recommended,due to possible environment 
corruption. Would you like to disable loading this package in the future? You 
may use 'devenv /resetskippkgs' to re-enable package loading.
Yes   No   


您应该首先安装sql 2008 Developer,这将排除VS安装sql所需的安装.或者您可以像其他人一样建议并选择自定义VS安装.


> sql 2008开发人员
> Visual Studio Professional 2008


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