Dinamica news

1 .- After two years of inactivity,the driver was updated open  jtds source for sqlServer,we will be updating our distro  Tomcat 6 in the coming days to incorporate this change,but  you can do Now:  * Http://sourceforge.net/projects/jtds/  2 .- There JDK update,1.6 update 17. No improvements or corrections  significant for an AppServer,we are still using as a basis  the update 15,but I meet tell them.  * Http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/widget/jdk6.jsp  3 .- In these days we touch build an interesting application,a  standalone client,which must run as a service on hundreds of PCs,and  communicates via SSL with an Dinamica webapp running in a Tomcat.  Two things to note:  We got a utility that allows you to mount a Java class as a service  Windows,and it was very easy to do,only. Ini file and a. Exe are in the same directory as our class and other JARs. The product  is called "Java Service Launcher for Windows" or JSL:  * Http://jslwin.sourceforge.net  I recommend it,is both 32 and 64 bits. We tested it on XP  32 bits. With this product it was possible to make an installation package  it is decompressed,is executed. BAT and ready,you register as  service.  This programmed client uses a very simple technique to get  a Recordset via SSL,and the side of the webapp is even easier,just  must use a class called dinamica.DataOutput that "prints" the  recordsets in bytes as a response of Action:  xml version = '1 .0 'encoding =' ISO-8859-1 '?>  <config>  <summary>  Returns a recordset via http (s) with outstanding tickets for a client PC  </ summary>  <log> false </ log>  <transaction>  <classname> dinamica.GenericTransaction </ classname>  <validator> true </ validator>  <transaction> false </ transaction>  <jdbc-log> false </ jdbc-log>  <recordset id="query.sql" source="sql" scope="transaction"/>  </ transaction>  <output>  <classname> dinamica.DataOutput </ classname>  </ output>  </ config>  The client uses this function and generic utility to receive a HashMap with one or more recordsets,given the URL of Action:  / **  * Retrieve HashMap containing one or more recordsets  * @ Param url  * @ Param logStdout  * @ Return  * @ Throws Throwable  * /  @ SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked")  Recordset> <string,getTickets public HashMap (String url) throws Throwable  (  / / connect via HTTP  URL page = new URL (url);  HttpURLConnection urlc = (HttpURLConnection) page.openConnection ();  urlc.setUseCaches (false);  / / test for http errors  int retcode = urlc.getResponseCode ();  RetMsg = urlc.getResponseMessage String ();  if (retcode> = 400)  throw new Throwable ( "HTTP Error:" + retcode + "-" + retMsg); / / read and convert byte stream to HashMap  ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream (new  BufferedInputStream (urlc.getInputStream (),urlc.getContentLength ()));  Recordset> <string,HashMap map = (HashMap <String,  Recordset>) in.readobject ();  in.close ();  return map;  )  4 .- There are new versions of iText and JFreeChart components,which  are used by Dynamics within a webapp. You are welcome  update their projects with new JARs of these components,  esten pendientes but these people sometimes discontinue or delete  some APIs and this Could affect some of their classes or  framework. Although Francis and running the latest itext and besides  offer something new and useful way to the hair Dynamics. Also  There JExcelAPI component update. The URLs are if you want  update or download the latest sources:  * Http://sourceforge.net/projects/jexcelapi/  * Http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/  * Http://www.lowagie.com/iText/  Regards to all,  Martin


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