
declare @P1 int,@currIndex int; declare @sql varchar(4000),@sql1 varchar(2000),@sql2 varchar(2000); declare @data table(record_id int); set @sql1 = 'select record_id from demo as t1 where 1=1 and in_qty >0'; set @sql2 = ''; set @currIndex=(@pageIndex-1)*@pagesize+1; if @warehouseId > 0 set @sql2 = ' and t1.warehouse_id='+cast(@warehouseId as nvarchar); if len(@startDate) > 0 set @sql2= @sql2 + ' and t1.bill_date >=''' + @startDate + ''''; set @sql = @sql1 + @sql2; insert into @data exec  sp_cursoropen @P1 output,@sql,@scrollopt=1,@ccopt=1,@rowcount=@rowCount output; insert into @data exec sp_cursorfetch @P1,16,@currIndex,@pagesize; exec sp_cursorclose @P1;


SELECT a.*,b.dp_name,c.pa_name,fm_name=(CASE WHEN a.fm_n...
if not exists(select name from syscolumns where name=&am...
select a.*,pano=a.pa_no,b.pa_name,f.dp_name,e.fw_state_n...
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