

/*列出模式中的表*/ select table_name   from information_schema.tables  where table_schema = 'SMEAGOL' /*列出表的列*/ select column_name,data_type,ordinal_position   from information_schema.columns  where table_schema = 'SMEAGOL'    and table_name   = 'EMP' /*列出表的索引列*/ select a.name table_name,       b.name index_name,       d.name column_name,       c.index_column_id   from sys.tables a,       sys.indexes b,       sys.index_columns c,       sys.columns d where a.object_id = b.object_id   and b.object_id = c.object_id   and b.index_id  = c.index_id   and c.object_id = d.object_id   and c.column_id = d.column_id   and a.name      = 'EMP' /*列出表约束*/ select a.table_name,       a.constraint_name,       b.column_name,       a.constraint_type   from information_schema.table_constraints a,       information_schema.key_column_usage b where a.table_name      = 'EMP'   and a.table_schema    = 'SMEAGOL'   and a.table_name      = b.table_name   and a.table_schema    = b.table_schema   and a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name /*列出没有相应索引的外键*/ select fkeys.table_name,       fkeys.constraint_name,       fkeys.column_name,       ind_cols.index_name   from ( select a.object_id,       d.column_id,       a.name table_name,       b.name constraint_name,       d.name column_name   from sys.tables a        join        sys.foreign_keys b     on ( a.name          = 'EMP'          and a.object_id = b.parent_object_id        )        join        sys.foreign_key_columns c    on (  b.object_id = c.constraint_object_id )       join       sys.columns d    on (    c.constraint_column_id = d.column_id        and a.object_id            = d.object_id       )       ) fkeys       left join       ( elect a.name index_name,      b.object_id,      b.column_id  from sys.indexes a,      sys.index_columns b where a.index_id = b.index_id       ) ind_cols    on (     fkeys.object_id = ind_cols.object_id         and fkeys.column_id = ind_cols.column_id ) where ind_cols.index_name is null


SELECT a.*,b.dp_name,c.pa_name,fm_name=(CASE WHEN a.fm_n...
if not exists(select name from syscolumns where name=&am...
select a.*,pano=a.pa_no,b.pa_name,f.dp_name,e.fw_state_n...
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