alter PROCEDURE usp_sumgoods(@supplierid VARCHAR(50)) as BEGIN if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[GetMain]') and xtype in (N'FN',N'IF',N'TF')) -- 删除函数 drop function [dbo].[GetMain] if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[sumgoods]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsView') = 1) drop view [dbo].[sumgoods] DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(MAX) SET @sql = 'CREATE view [dbo].[sumgoods] with schemabinding as ( select id,mainid,goodsNo,(select modal from dbo.bas_goods where goodsno = a.goodsNo) as modal,goodscnname,color,(select cnname from dbo.bas_qtyunit where id=qtyunit) as qtyunit,swareqty,thispurchaseqty,Inqty,backqty,(inqty-backqty) as realInqty,waitOutqty,freezeqty,safeqty from (select id,cnname as goodscnname,qtyunit,case when goodstype=1 then isnull((select isnull(balanceqty,0) from dbo.bas_goods_center where warehouseid=2 and style=1 and goodsid=a.goodsid),0) when goodstype=2 then isnull((select isnull(balanceqty,0) from dbo.M_property_warehouse where warehouseid=1 and style=1 and wid=a.goodsid),0) end as swareqty,isnull((select SUM(m.instockqty) from dbo.wm_stock_goods m where m.purchasegoodsid and instocktype<17),0) as inqty,isnull((select sum(outstockqty) from dbo.wm_stock_goods_out m where and outtype=4 and m.printId=a.printid),0) as backqty,case when goodstype=2 then isnull(dbo.Get_material_needqty(a.goodsid,1,1),0) when goodstype=1 then isnull(dbo.Get_material_needqty(a.goodsid,2,0) end as waitOutqty,(case when goodstype=1 then (select freezeqty from dbo.bas_goods_center where style=1 and warehouseid=1 and goodsid=a.goodsid) when goodstype=2 then (select freezeqty from dbo.M_property_warehouse where style=1 and warehouseid=1 and wid=a.goodsid) end) as freezeqty,isnull((case when goodstype=1 then (select isnull(safeqty,0) from dbo.bas_goods where id=a.goodsid) when goodstype=2 then (select isnull(savesafeqty,0) from dbo.M_property where id=a.goodsid) end ),0) as safeqty from dbo.purchase_contract_goods a where mainid in (select id from dbo.purchase_contract where (type=1 or type=2 or type=11 or type=12 or type=13 or type=14) and status=8 and instockstatus<4 and supplierid = '+@supplierid+')) a where (inqty-backqty)<thispurchaseqty )' EXEC(@sql) DECLARE @sql1 VARCHAR(MAX) SET @sql1 = ' CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetMain](@goodsno varchar(50)) RETURNS varchar(max) with schemabinding AS BEGIN DECLARE @values varchar(max) SELECT @values = Isnull(@values + '';'','''') + cast(mainid as varchar(50)) FROM dbo.sumgoods WHERE goodsno=@goodsno RETURN @values END' EXEC(@sql1) select goodsMain,(select modal from dbo.bas_goods where goodsno = x.goodsNo) as modal,SUM(thispurchaseqty) thispurchaseqty,SUM(inqty) inqty,SUM(backqty) backqty,SUM(realInqty) realInqty,safeqty from ( select id,dbo.GetMain(goodsNo) goodsMain,0) as safeqty from dbo.purchase_contract_goods a where mainid in (select id from dbo.purchase_contract where (type=1 or type=2 or type=11 or type=12 or type=13 or type=14) and status=8 and instockstatus<4 and supplierid = @supplierid)) a where (inqty-backqty)<thispurchaseqty ) x group by goodscnname,goodsMain,modal,safeqty,swareqty order by goodsNo desc END