
  SQLSERVER中统计所有表的记录数  2009-06-25 17:07:36

分类: Linux



   首先通过sysobjects表构造一个sql语句字符串'DELETE 表名',其中表名就是sysobjects中的name列,把这些DELETE语句字符串连接起来的方法一是通过游标,二则是直接利用如下语句:
   select @sql = @sql + 'DELETE ' + name from sysobjects where xtype='U';
   而把数据库所有表的记录数统计出来和这个思路几乎完全一样,不同的就是把'DELETE 表名' 改为'SELECT 表名,COUNT(1) FROM 表名',主要这点不同而已,如果构造完字符串并执行完毕,可以把结果输出一个临时表,那么再统计所有记录数就轻而易举了.

declare @sql varchar(8000),@count int,@step int

set nocount on



set @step = 50

if object_id(N'tempdb.db.#temp') is not null

drop table #temp

create table #temp (name sysname,count numeric(18))

if object_id(N'tempdb.db.#temp1') is not null

drop table #temp1

create table #temp1 (id int identity(1,1),name sysname)

insert into #temp1(name)

select name from sysobjects where xtype = 'u';

set @count = @@rowcount while @count>0


set @sql = ''

select @sql = @sql + ' select ''' + name + ''',count(1) from ' + name + ' union'

from #temp1 where id > @count - @step and id <= @count

set @sql = left(@sql,len(@sql) - len('union'))

insert into #temp exec (@sql)

set @count = @count - @step


select count(count) 总表数,sum(count) 总记录数 from #temp

select * from #temp order by count,name

set nocount off

    后来我又去上网搜索其他统计数据库所有表记录数的语句,发现了下面的方法:create table #(id int identity,tblname varchar(50),num int)

declare @name varchar(30)

declare roy cursor for select name from sysobjects where xtype='U'

open roy

fetch next from roy into @name

while @@fetch_status=0


declare @i int

declare @sql nvarchar(1000)

set @sql='select @n=count(1) from '+@name

exec sp_executesql @sql,N'@n int output',@i output

insert into # select @name,@I

fetch next from roy into @name


close roy

deallocate roy

select * from #





set nocount on
if object_id(N'tempdb.db.#temp') is not null
  drop table #temp
create table #temp (name sysname,count numeric(18))

insert into #temp
select o.name,i.rows
from sysobjects o,sysindexes i 
where o.id=i.id and o.Xtype='U' and i.indid<2

select count(count) 总表数,sum(count) 总记录数 from #temp
select * from #temp
set nocount off


    第三个方法主要是利用了系统索引表sysindexes中索引ID indid<1的行中的rows列存有该表的行数这一特点.


CREATE TABLE #temp (TableName VARCHAR (255),RowCnt INT) EXEC sp_MSforeachtable 'INSERT INTO #temp SELECT ''?'',COUNT(*) FROM ?' SELECT TableName,RowCnt FROM #temp ORDER BY TableName DROP TABLE #temp        从mssql6.5开始,微软提供了两个不公开,非常有用的系统存储过程sp_MSforeachtable和sp_MSforeachdb,用于遍历某个数据库的每个表和遍历DBMS管理下的每个数据库。-


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