
<div class="codetitle"><a style="CURSOR: pointer" data="98064" class="copybut" id="copybut98064" onclick="doCopy('code98064')"> 代码如下:

<div class="codebody" id="code98064">
with cte(id,parentid,text)
select id,text from treeview where parentid = 450
union all
select t.id,t.parentid,t.text from treeview as t
inner join cte as c on t.parentid = c.id
select id,text from cte --------------------- --由子级递归父项
with cte(id,text)
select id,text from treeview where id = 450
union all
select t.id,t.text from treeview as t
inner join cte as c on t.id = c.parentid
select id,text from cte


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