


招银国际Bowen Li,Marley Ngan近日,用友网络研究发布研究报告《Takes time to build the cloud platform》,本报告对用友网络进行持有评级,目标价格为19.81元,目前股价为21.37元,预计下跌幅度为7.3%。


Yonyou reported better than expected FY2Q22 with steady revenue growth of 15% YoY to RMB2.26bn. Cloud revenue grew 57% YoY to RMB1.55bn.However,we observed ARR/ contract liabilities growth have slowed to 2%/ 11%HoH. These may suggest a decline in renewal rate and add pressure to Yonyou’scloud subscription business. Meanwhile,Yonyou increased R&D in cloudplatform YonBIP targeting large-sized enterprises. R&D was up 38% YoY,aswell as R&D capitalization rate. We think earnings quality will be distorted duringthe YonBIP ramp up phase. Maintain HOLD.

FY2Q22 beat on lower opex ratio. Yonyou delivered steady top-line growthat 15% YoY to RMB2,258mn,beating our/ consensus estimates by 9%/2%.Cloud revenue was RMB1,551mn ( 57% YoY,107% QoQ),accounting for69% of total. Operating profit was RMB89mn ( 34% YoY),lower opex ratio at57.3% (-2.7 pcts) has offset decline in GPM (-2.1 pcts YoY to 61.2%). Netprofit was RMB137mn (-40% YoY).

ARR/ contract liabilities HoH growth slowdown adds uncertainty tocloud outlook. In FY1H22,Yonyou cloud revenue grew 53% YoY toRMB2,299mn. In terms of customer mix,67/ 18% of cloud revenue came fromlarge-sized/ SME enterprises. ARR was RMB1,680mn ( 102% YoY,2%HoH). Cloud contract liabilities was RMB1,760mn ( 42% YoY,11% HoH).These cloud metrics look good on a YoY basis but HoH growth rates slowed.These may suggest a decline in renewal rate and we are concerned thatYonyou’s subscription revenue (mostly derived from SME) growth may slowdown.

Increasing R&D (and capitalization rate) related to YonBIP platform forlarge-size enterprises. In FY1H22,Yonyou increased R&D expenditure by38% YoY to RMB1.32bn as the Company continues to develop cloud-nativeYonBIP platform for large-sized enterprises. R&D capitalization rate also roseto 26.4% (vs. 21.9% in FY1H21). We think earnings quality will be distorted inthe short term during YonBIP ramp-up stage.

Maintain HOLD. We raised FY22-24E net profit by 1-5% to reflect better thanexpected opex control. Maintain HOLD with new target price of RMB19.81(prior RMB19.58),based on unchanged 5.0x FY23E EV/sales.





在过去的90天里,共有25家机构进行了评级,购买了22个评级,增加了3个评级;在过去的90天里,机构的平均目标价格是30.08.根据近五年财务报告数据,证券之星估值分析工具显示,用友网(600588)行业竞争力良好,盈利能力一般,收入增长良好。财务可能有隐忧,必须关注的财务指标包括:应收账款/利润率。好公司指标3星,好价格指标1.5星,综合指标2星。(指标仅供参考,指标范围为0 ~ 五星,最高五星)以上内容由证券之星根据公共信息整理,与本网站的立场无关。证券之星努力但不保证信息(包括但不限于文本、视频、音频、数据和图表)的全部或部分内容的准确性、完整性、有效性有任何问题,请与我们联系。本文是数据整理,不构成任何投资建议,投资有风险,请谨慎决策。


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