linux – 系统负载能达到多高?

每次我通过SSH登录我的服务器时,它都会闪现一些服务器信息. IE IP地址,交换使用,内存使用等.它闪现的另一件事是系统负载.现在大多数时候系统负载数是<1. 0.10但是其他时候它我已经看到它上升到0.89(通常在启动时). 这就提出了一个问题,系统负载有多高?例如它有可能达到2.00甚至100.00?


This this brings up the question,how high can system load go? For instance is it possible
for it to go up to 2.00 even 100.00?


System load averages is the average number of processes that are either
   in a runnable or uninterruptable state.  A process in a runnable  state
   is  either  using the cpu or waiting to use the cpu. A process in unin‐
   terruptable state is waiting for some I/O access,eg waiting for  disk.
   The  averages  are  taken over the three time intervals.  Load averages
   are not normalized for the number of cpus in a system,so a load  aver‐
   age  of 1 means a single cpu system is loaded all the time while on a 4
   cpu system it means it was idle 75% of the time.

因此,如果您有许多进程等待运行(或许多进程被阻塞等待I / O),那么您将获得高负载平均值. This article更详细地讨论了它,并且有其他资源的有用链接.

在卸载的系统上,负载平均值通常在0 <= load_average< = n的范围内,其中n是系统上的核心数.


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