javascript – 在尝试使用ADAL.js AuthenticationContext获取访问令牌时,access_token与id_token相同?

我正在使用Azure AD对我的单页应用程序(Angular4)进行身份验证,并使用Adal.js进行身份验证.在登录页面上,我单击一个重定向到Microsoft AAD的按钮,成功登录后,它会重定向回应用程序主页,并从JWT接收id_token和用户信息.

我需要access_token用于后端API访问,我试图通过ADAL AuthenticationContext的getCachedToken()方法获取,并将clientId作为参数发送:



adal.access_token.key + clientId = id_token

例如:adal.access_token.key239f6fc7-64d2-3t04-8gfd-501efc25adkd =< id-token-value>.



我正在调用函数login(),并在成功登录后,尝试通过adal.config.ts中的get accesstoken()属性访问器获取主页中的访问令牌.


import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

export class ConfigService {
  constructor() {}
  public get AdalConfig(): any {
    return {
      tenant: 'common',clientId: 


import { ConfigService } from './config.service';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { adal } from 'adal-angular';
let createAuthContextFn: adal.AuthenticationContextStatic = AuthenticationContext;

export class AdalService {
  private context: adal.AuthenticationContext;
  constructor(private configService: ConfigService) {
    this.context = new createAuthContextFn(configService.AdalConfig);

  login() {

  logout() {

  handleCallback() {

  public get userInfo() {
    return this.context.getCachedUser();

  public get accessToken() {
    return this.context.getCachedToken(this.configService.AdalConfig.clientId);
    // return this.context.acquireToken(this.configService.AdalConfig.clientId,function(message,token,response) {
    //   console.log(message,response);
    // });

  public get isAuthenticated() {
    return this.userInfo && this.accessToken;
实际上,经过一些阅读后,发现将SPA连接到Azure AD需要OAuth 2.0 Implicit Grant流程. Microsoft documentation说:

In this scenario,when the user signs in,the JavaScript front end
uses Active Directory Authentication Library for JavaScript (ADAL.JS)
and the implicit authorization grant to obtain an ID token (id_token)
from Azure AD. The token is cached and the client attaches it to the
request as the bearer token when making calls to its Web API back end,
which is secured using the OWIN middleware.


Just receiving an id_token is not sufficient to authenticate the user;
you must validate the id_token’s signature and verify the claims in
the token per your app’s requirements. The v2.0 endpoint uses JSON Web
Tokens (JWTs) and public key cryptography to sign tokens and verify
that they are valid.

You can choose to validate the id_token in client
code,but a common practice is to send the id_token to a backend
server and perform the validation there. Once you’ve validated the
signature of the id_token,there are a few claims you will be required
to verify.


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