javascript – 如何在Protractor中处理元素未找到的异常

就像Selenium webdriver为 Java提供各种异常处理一样,我们有什么方法可以使用Protractor实现相同的功能.



回答这个问题 is now in Protractor’s FAQ


WebDriver throws errors when commands cannot be completed – e.g. not being able to click on an element which is obscured by another element. If you need to retry these actions,try using 07001. If you would just like to catch the error,do so like this


elm.isPresent().then(function(present) {
  /* no webdriver js errors here */}
  if (present) {
    /* element exists */
  } else {
    /* element doesn't exist */
  },function(err) {
  /* error handling here,i.e. element doesn't if got ElementNotFound
     but,eventually and less likely,other issues will fall in here too like
     NoSuchWindowsError or ElementStaleError etc...


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