javascript – 为什么JSLint希望我使用双引号而不是单引号?预期”’而是看到”’


JSLint: Expected ‘”‘ and instead saw ”’.



JSLint的 2016-02-07 version改为比单引号更喜欢双引号. Douglas Crockford,JSLint的开发人员和JavaScript和JSON的有影响力的开发人员,provided this rationale

When I first met JavaScript,it [sic] was surprised that it had the two kinds of quotes,and I tried to make sense of it,using single for internal text,and double for external.

But eventually I realized that distinction isn’t worth the clutter and confusion that comes from having two when only one is needed. I decided to go with double because that is what JSON uses,and it avoids errors caused by the overloading of apostrophe. I have been bitten by that.

In general,I am looking for ways to make the language smaller and better. Quotes fall in the same class as null & undefined. We really don’t need both.

I tried it out on some of my own code,and I think it is an improvement. Eventually,I may add option.single to JSLint.

这确实发生了:在JSLint的2016-06-09 version添加了option.single,因此现在可以告诉JSLint可以忽略单引号.

克罗克福德更简洁地重申了a later discussion年双引号单引号的理由:

I found that people had some difficulty managing the two types of quotes. Since the second set is completely unnecessary,and since the second set [single quotes] can introduce problems and confusions,I Now recommend using double quotes only.


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