javascript – 如何毫不拖延地删除css转换?

if ($(".marquee").height() < $(".marquee-content").outerHeight(true)) {
$('.marquee-wrapper').css("transition","transform 3s linear");
$('.marquee-wrapper').css("transform","translateY(-" + $(".marquee-content").outerHeight(true) + "px)");

setInterval(function() {
  $('.marquee-wrapper').css("transform","translateY(100px)"); //This should Immediately change translateY to 100px without smooth transition. But this doesn't happen without adding a delay before the below written line
  // Its weird why javascript engine executes the below line before executing this line

  $('.marquee-wrapper').css("transition","transform 3s linear");
  $('.marquee-wrapper').css("transform","translateY(-" + $(".marquee-content").outerHeight(true) + "px)");

.marquee {
  margin: auto;
  width: 600px;
  height: 200px;
  overflow: auto;

.marquee-wrapper {
  transform: translateY(0);

.marquee-content {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 30px 0;
<script src=""></script>
<section class="marquee">
  <div class="marquee-wrapper">
    <div class="marquee-content">
      Updates: Update (8 Mar 2016): Now plugin have new option: startVisible The marquee will be visible in the start if set to true. Thanks to @nuke-ellington 👠Update (24 Jan 2014): Note: people who been asking me how to use this plugin with content being
      loaded with Ajax,please read notes about this update. New methods added,so Now after you start the plugin using var $mq = $('.marquee').marquee();,you start the plugin using var $mq = $('.marquee').marquee();,you start the plugin using var $mq
      = $('.marquee').marquee();,then you can pause,resume,togglepause,resume) and desestroy destroy toggle(pause,resume) and destroy toggle(pause,resume) and destroy methods e.g to remove the marquee plugin from your element simply use $mq.marquee('destroy');.
      Similarly you can use pause the marquee any time using $mq.marquee('pause');.


if ($(".marquee").height() < $(".marquee-content").outerHeight(true)) {
$('.marquee-wrapper').css("transition","translateY(100px)"); //This  Immedeately change translateY to 100px without smooth transition Now

      $('.marquee-wrapper').css("transition","transform 3s linear");
      $('.marquee-wrapper').css("transform","translateY(-" + $(".marquee-content").outerHeight(true) + "px)");
},resume) and destroy methods e.g to remove the marquee plugin from your element simply use $mq.marquee('destroy');.
      Similarly you can use pause the marquee any time using $mq.marquee('pause');.


>为什么javscript引擎在当前行($(‘.marquee-wrapper’)之前的脚本中释放即将出现的行($(‘.marquee-wrapper’).css(“transition”,“transform 3s linear”); .css(“transform”,“translateY(100px)”);)


对单个语句中的转换和转换CSS属性进行分组可得出正确的结果,而无需使用100 ms延迟:
$('.marquee-wrapper').css({ transition: "transform 3s linear",transform: "translateY(-" + $(".marquee-content").outerHeight(true) + "px)" });
setInterval(function () {
    $('.marquee-wrapper').css({ transition: "none",transform: "translateY(100px)" });
    $('.marquee-wrapper').css({ transition: "transform 3s linear",transform: "translateY(-" + $(".marquee-content").outerHeight(true) + "px)" });
if ($(".marquee").height() < $(".marquee-content").outerHeight(true)) {

$('.marquee-wrapper').css({ transition: "transform 3s linear",transform: "translateY(-" + $(".marquee-content").outerHeight(true) + "px)" });

setInterval(function () {
    $('.marquee-wrapper').css({ transition: "none",resume) and destroy methods e.g to remove the marquee plugin from your element simply use $mq.marquee('destroy');.
      Similarly you can use pause the marquee any time using $mq.marquee('pause');.


已知某些Javascript命令会导致重绘.获取元素的offsetHeight是最常提到的元素(见this post).事实上,它在this article中被用于解决与这里提出的CSS转换非常相似的问题.如果我们通过在转换之间获取元素高度来测试该方法,我们可以看到结果的行为确实是正确的:

$('.marquee-wrapper').height(); // Force a repaint
$('.marquee-wrapper').css("transition","translateY(-" + $(".marquee-content").outerHeight(true) + "px)");
if ($(".marquee").height() < $(".marquee-content").outerHeight(true)) {
$('.marquee-wrapper').css("transition","translateY(-" + $(".marquee-content").outerHeight(true) + "px)");

setInterval(function () {
    $('.marquee-wrapper').height(); // Force a repaint
    $('.marquee-wrapper').css("transition","transform 3s linear");
    $('.marquee-wrapper').css("transform","translateY(-" + $(".marquee-content").outerHeight(true) + "px)");
},resume) and destroy methods e.g to remove the marquee plugin from your element simply use $mq.marquee('destroy');.
      Similarly you can use pause the marquee any time using $mq.marquee('pause');.


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