
当我在JMeter中创建HTTP请求时,我得到响应数据,例如“此页面使用 JavaScript并需要启用JavaScript的浏览器”.怎么可能解决这个问题.



JMeter wiki

JMeter does not process Javascript or applets embedded in HTML pages.

JMeter can download the relevant resources (some embedded resources
are downloaded automatically if the correct options are set),but it
does not process the HTML and execute any Javascript functions.

If the page uses Javascript to build up a URL or submit a form,you
can use the Proxy Recording facility to create the necessary sampler.
If this is not possible,then manual inspection of the code may be
needed to determine what the Javascript is doing.

根据您的操作,您可以使用Selenium IDE for Firefox创建执行测试.测试将在您的浏览器中运行,因此JavaScript也将运行.请注意,我从未使用Selenium作为JMeter的替代品,也不知道这两种工具的共同特征.


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