Jquery Datatables分组插件 – 一种可以扩展两级分组的方法吗?

关于 jquery datatables rowgrouping插件http://jquery-datatables-row-grouping.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/index.html,是否可以进行两级分组,并且两个分组都可扩展/可折叠?我在网站上找不到任何提到这个的东西..想知道是否有人尝试过



无论如何,我想出了一个解决方案.它不漂亮,可以使用很多改进,但希望它至少可以激发一些想法.基本上我创建了自己的jQuery插件,它包装了rowGrouping插件(你也可以只使用中间部分 – 参见代码中的注释).它实例化一个rowGrouping dataTable,然后遍历查找每个主要组中的子组行的行.然后,它在每个子组下找到行,并为它们分配一个对该组/子组组合唯一的类.最后,它使用此类作为选择器,以在单击子组行时切换行.

// create our own jQuery plugin that wraps rowGrouping
(function ($) {
    $.fn.rowGroupingWithColapsableSecondLevel = function (options) {
        return this.each(function (index,elem) {
            // construct a rowGrouping object
            var oTableGrouped = $(elem).dataTable().rowGrouping(options);

            // subgroup row/tds are not uniquely identified
            // find each group row (identified by it's td having the class .group) and identify it (via a unique class per subgroup) and bind a click to the subgroup row that will toggle this class

            // SIDE NOTE: if you don't want to use the plugin wrapping method,just isolate the following "find" block and replace oTableGroup with a reference to the table object (or create an object or function with the find block)
            // example: var myTable = $('#example').dataTable().rowGrouping(); // then use myTable.find... below

            oTableGrouped.find('tbody tr td.group').each(function(index,elem) {
                var groupName = $(elem).attr('rel'); // e.g.,group-1
                var tr = $(elem).parent();
                var subgroupId = 0; // incremental Id within group

                // go through subsequent rows looking for subgroups until we hit another major group (or run out of rows)
                do {
                    var tr = tr.next('tr'); // get the next row
                    if (tr.find('td').hasClass('subgroup')) {
                        // this is a subgroup row
                        subgroupId ++;
                        // give this subgroup an id so we can work with it
                        tr.attr('id',groupName + '-subgroup-' + subgroupId);
                        // assign parent group id as class so it will be toggled with other rows
                        tr.addClass('group-item-' + groupName);
                        // assign a toggle function
                        tr.click( function() {
                            $('.' + $(this).attr('id')).toggle();
                    } else if(tr.find('td').hasClass('group')) {
                        // we've reached the next group,exit the do loop (the next group will be picked up by the next oTableGroup.find)
                    } else if(tr.length == 1) {
                        // this is a row under the subgroup,identify it by adding a class
                        tr.addClass(groupName + '-subgroup-' + subgroupId);
                } while (tr.length == 1);
            }); // end of the find block

            return oTableGrouped;


$(function() {
    var oTable = $('#example').dataTable({ "bLengthChange": false,"bPaginate": false}).rowGroupingWithColapsableSecondLevel({  "iGroupingColumnIndex2": 1,"bExpandableGrouping": true });



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