

rush:js;"> //how to use the function below: //$.include('file/ajaxa.js');$.include('file/ajaxa.css'); //or $.includePath = 'file/';$.include(['ajaxa.js','ajaxa.css']);(only if .js and .css files are in the same directory) $.extend({ includePath: '',include: function(file) { var files = typeof file == "string" ? [file] : file; for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { var name = files[i].replace(/^\s|\s$/g,""); var att = name.split('.'); var ext = att[att.length - 1].toLowerCase(); var isCSS = ext == "css"; var tag = isCSS ? "link" : "script"; var attr = isCSS ? " type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' " : " type='text/javascript' "; var link = (isCSS ? "href" : "src") + "='" + $.includePath + name + "'"; if ($(tag + "[" + link + "]").length == 0) $("head").prepend("<" + tag + attr + link + ">

将该函数写入一个common.js文件中,在html中加载该common.js文件,就可以达到目的。 注意: 1.在html5中,