

rush:js;"> ///作者:柯锦 ///完成时间:2016.08.16 ///多文件异步上传带进度条 (function ($) { function bytesToSize(bytes) { if (bytes === 0) return '0 B'; var k = 1024,// or 1000 sizes = ['B','KB','MB','GB','TB','PB','EB','ZB','YB'],i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k)); return (bytes / Math.pow(k,i)).toPrecision(3) + ' ' + sizes[i]; } function changeCursor(obj) { obj.style.cursor = 'pointer' } function deleteSelfAndFile(obj) { var that = $(obj); var parentLi = that.parent("li"); that.remove(); parentLi.remove(); } function CreateXMLHttpRequest(target) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); //var ops = $.data(target,"KJajaxUpload").Options; //var v,h,evs = { loadstart: 0,loadend: 0,progress: 0,load: 0,error: 0,abort: 0 }; //for (v in evs) { // if (h = ops['on' + v]) { // xhr.upload.addEventListener(v,false); // } //} return xhr; } function InitFileDiv(target,options) { var _that = $(target); var width = _that.width(); var hasuploadedDiv = $("
"); hasuploadedDiv.css({ width: "100%" }); _that.append(hasuploadedDiv);// 上 var divClear = $("
"); var divUploadBody = $("
"); var divLeft = $("
"); var divRight = $("
"); var uploadButton = $(""); if (options.Text) { uploadButton.val(options.Text); } uploadButton.click(function () { SelectFiles(target); }) uploadButton.css({ width: 80 }) if (options.Available) { uploadButton.prop("disabled",false); } else { uploadButton.prop("disabled",true); } divUploadBody.css({ "overflow": "hidden" }) divLeft.css({ float: "left",width: "100%" }) divRight.css({ float: "left","margin-left": " -20px" }) _that.append(divClear); divLeft.append(uploadButton);// 左 button divLeft.append("可多选") divUploadBody.append(divLeft);// 左 divUploadBody.append(divRight);// 右 文件列表 _that.append(divUploadBody); return _that; } /// 创建蒙版 function CreateMark(target) { var mark; var width = $(document.body).width() / 2 - 200; mark = $("
"); mark.css({ width: "100%",height: "100%",position: "fixed",left: 0,top: 0,opacity: 0.5,"z-index": 8,"background-color": "#EFEFF2","display": "none" }); var contentText = $("
"); contentText.html("文件上传中,请稍后..."); contentText.css({ "text-align": "center",width: "400px","padding-bottom": "50px","z-index": 9,left: width + "px","top": "50%","background-color": "white","display": "none" }) contentText.appendTo($("body")); mark.appendTo($("body")); return mark; } ///创建进度条 function CreateUploadBar(target) { var contentText = $(".KJajaxUpload_upload_wrapper"); var fileDiv = $(target);// $.data(target,"KJajaxUpload").FileDiv; var FileList = fileDiv.find(".fileuploadlist.newfilelist"); $.each(FileList,function (i) { var fileName = $(this).attr("filename"); var divid = $(this).attr("id"); var proressDiv = $("
"); var fileNameLable = $("" + fileName + ""); var barDiv = $("
"); barDiv.css({ width: "350px","margin-left": "20px",height: "22px",border: "1px solid black ","line-height": "22px" }) var barText1 = $("
"); barText1.css({ "text-align": "center","position": "absolute",width: "350px" }); barText1.html("0%"); var barText2 = $("
"); barText2.css({ "text-align": "center",width: "350px","background-color": "#ffe48d" }); barText2.html("0%"); var barValue = $("
"); barValue.css({ position: "relative",overflow: "hidden",width: "0px" }) barValue.append(barText2); barDiv.append(barText1); barDiv.append(barValue); proressDiv.append(fileNameLable); contentText.append(proressDiv); contentText.append(barDiv); }); } function ChangeProcess(filename,evt) { var loaded = evt.loaded; //已经上传大小情况 var tot = evt.total; //附件总大小 var per = Math.floor(100 * loaded / tot); //已经上传的百分比 var that = $("[name='KJajaxUpload_bar_" + filename + "']"); that.find('div.KJajaxUpload_progressvalue').css("width",per + "%"); that.find('div.KJajaxUpload_progresstext').html(per + "%"); } ///选择文件 function SelectFiles(target) { var options = $.data(target,"KJajaxUpload").Options; var deleteButtonUrl = options.deleteButtonUrl; var ele = $(""); ele.prop("multiple",options.multiple !== false); ele.hide(); ele.change(function (e) { var exist = false; var files = e.target.files; var filenames = GetalreadyExistFileNames(target); for (var item in files) { var file = files[item]; if ($.inArray(file.name,filenames) > -1) { exist = true; break; } } if (!exist) { var ul = $("


rush:js;"> /// /// UploadFilesHandler 的摘要说明 /// public class UploadFilesHandler : IHttpHandler { public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { List list = new List(); string filePath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToString() + @"uploadFile\" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + @"\" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + @"\" + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() + @"\" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(context.Request.Params["userName"].ToString()) + @"\"; if (context.Request.Files.Count > 0) { if (!Directory.Exists(filePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); } try { foreach (string files in context.Request.Files) { HttpPostedFile upfile = context.Request.Files[files]; int bufferSize = 1024 * 50;//50K string _guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-",""); byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; int currentCounts = 0;// long totalLength = upfile.ContentLength; string name = upfile.FileName.Substring(upfile.FileName.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); string fileName = filePath + _guid + "_S_" + name; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName,FileMode.Create)) { while (currentCounts < totalLength) { int bytes = upfile.InputStream.Read(buffer,bufferSize); fs.Write(buffer,bytes); //Thread.Sleep(1);//0.001s currentCounts += bytes; } } FileReponse item = new FileReponse(); item.Name = name; item.FilePath = fileName; int filepos = item.FilePath.LastIndexOf("uploadFile"); item.FileUrl = item.FilePath.Substring(filepos); list.Add(item); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } string reponse = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list); context.Response.Write(reponse); //context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; //context.Response.Write("Hello World"); } public bool IsReusable { get { return false; } } } internal class FileReponse { public string Name { get; set; } public string FilePath { get; set; } public string FileUrl { get; set; } }


rush:js;"> var config = {}; config.formData = formData; if (!HasTheRight("HDComplaintsArea")) { config.Available = false; } if (record.Attachments) { config.AlreadFiles = record.Attachments; } config.onUploaded = function (data) { save(data); } $("#filediv").KJajaxUpload(config); $("#btnSave").click(function () { $("#filediv").KJajaxUpload("upload"); }) function save(data) { fields.Attachments = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { fields.Attachments.push(data[i].filepath); } fields.Attachments = JSON.stringify(fields.Attachments); }

以上所述是小编给大家介绍的jQuery多文件异步上传带进度条实例代码。编程之家 jb51.cc 收集整理的教程希望能对你有所帮助,如果觉得编程之家不错,可分享给好友!感谢支持


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