JQuery ul li选择列表

尝试使用JQuery使用class next和class prev例如滚动查看ul li列表.

    唯一的问题是我只希望所选的li可见.所以不知何故需要索引李的?非常感谢 – 提前感谢


    // Hide all but the first
    $('.selectoption li').not(':first').hide();
    // Handle the click of prev and next links
    $('.prev,.next').click(function() {
        // Determine the direction,-1 is prev,1 is next
        var dir = $(this).hasClass('prev') ? -1 : 1;
        // Get the li that is currently visible
        var current = $('.selectoption li:visible');
        // Get the element that should be shown next according to direction
        var new_el = dir < 0 ? current.prev('li') : current.next('li');
        // If we've reached the end,select first/last depending on direction
        if(new_el.size() == 0) {
            new_el = $('.selectoption li:'+(dir < 0 ? 'last' : 'first'));
        // Hide them all..
        $('.selectoption li').hide();
        // And show the new one
        // Prevent the link from actually redirecting the browser somewhere
        return false;


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