为什么jquery sortable中的update事件似乎在测试ui.sender时运行两次

我使用jQuery UI排序可排序连接的列表.更新事件似乎运行两次.


    handle: ".quesText",connectWith: ".pageContent",containment: "section",start: function(e,ui){
    },placeholder: "sortable-placeholder",opacity: 0.5,cursor: "move",cancel: "input,select,button,a,.openClose",update: function(e,ui){
        var thisItem = ui.item;
        var next = ui.item.next();
        var prev = ui.item.prev();

        var thisNumber = thisItem.find(".quesNumb");
        var nextNumber = next.find(".quesNumb");
        var prevNumber = prev.find(".quesNumb");

        var tn = parseInt(thisNumber.text());
        var nn = parseInt(nextNumber.text());
        var pn = parseInt(prevNumber.text());

        var quesNumbs = $(".quesNumb");

        var newItemId = thisItem.attr("id").replace(/_\d+$/,"_");

        //test if we are dragging top down
        if(ui.position.top > ui.originalPosition.top){
                var thisVal = parseInt($(this).text());
                var grandparent = $(this).parent().parent();
                var grandId = grandparent.attr("id").replace(/_\d+$/,"_");
                if(thisVal > tn && (thisVal <= pn || thisVal <= (nn - 1))){
                    $(this).text(thisVal - 1 + ".");
                    grandparent.attr("id",grandId + (thisVal - 1));
            if(!isNaN(pn) || !isNaN(nn)){
                    //for some reason when there is a sender pn gets updated,so we check if sender exists
                    //only occurs sorting top down
                    if($.type(ui.sender) !== "null"){
                        var senderId = ui.sender.attr("id");
                        thisNumber.text(pn + 1 + ".");
                        thisItem.attr("id",senderId + "_" + (pn + 1));
                    else {
                        thisNumber.text(pn + ".");
                        thisItem.attr("id",newItemId + pn);
                else {
                    thisNumber.text(nn - 1 + ".");
            else {
                   //something will happen here
        //otherwise we are dragging bottom up
        else {
                var thisVal = parseInt($(this).text());
                if(thisVal < tn && (thisVal >= nn || thisVal >= (pn + 1))){
                    $(this).text(thisVal + 1 + ".");
            if(!isNaN(pn) || !isNaN(nn)){
                    thisNumber.text(pn + 1 + ".");
                else {
                    thisNumber.text(nn + ".");
            else {
               //something will happen here


if($.type(ui.sender) !== "null"){
                    var senderId = ui.sender.attr("id");
                    thisNumber.text(pn + 1 + ".");
                    thisItem.attr("id",senderId + "_" + (pn + 1));
                else {
                    thisNumber.text(pn + ".");
                    thisItem.attr("id",newItemId + pn);








    start: function(e,ui){
        //Before all other events
        //Only occurs once each time sorting begins
    },activate: function(e,ui){
        //After the start event and before all other events
        //Occurs once for each connected list each time sorting begins
    },change: function(e,ui){
        //After start/active but before over/sort/out events
        //Occurs every time the item position changes
        //Does not occur when item is outside of a connected list
    },over: function(e,ui){
        //After change but before sort/out events
        //Occurs while the item is hovering over a connected list
    },sort: function(e,ui){
        //After over but before out event
        //Occurs during sorting
        //Does not matter if the item is outside of a connected list or not
    },out: function(e,ui){
        //This one is unique
        //After sort event before all drop/ending events unless **see NOTE
        //Occurs,only once,the moment an item leaves a connected list
        //NOTE: Occurs again when the item is dropped/sorting stops 
        //--> EVEN IF the item never left the list
        //--> Called just before the stop event but after all other ending events
    },beforeStop: function(e,ui){
        //Before all other ending events: update,remove,receive,deactivate,stop
        //Occurs only once at the last possible moment before sorting stops
    },remove: function(e,ui){
        //After beforeStop and before all other ending events
        //Occurs only once when an item is removed from a list
    },receive: function(e,ui){
        //After remove and before all other ending events
        //Occurs only once when an item is added to a list
        //After receive and before all other ending events
        //Occurs when the DOM changes for each connected list
        //This can fire twice because two lists can change (remove from one
        //list but add to another)
    },deactivate: function(e,ui){
        //After all other events but before out (kinda) and stop
        //Occurs once for each connected list each time sorting ends
    },stop: function(e,ui){
        //After all other events
        //Occurs only once when sorting ends

解决我的问题我只是强制我的更新功能内容只运行一次,将其包装在一个if else语句中,检查ui.sender.基本上它说如果ui.sender不存在,那么这是第一次通过更新功能,我们应该做这个功能,否则什么都不做.


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