javascript – 随机自然运动jquery

如何使用 jquery为图像重新创建此类型的移动:

我打算将它用作网页背景.如果jquery不可能,我将使用flash as3.但我更喜欢jquery.


编辑: Raphael肯定更适合这个,因为它支持IE. jQuery的问题在于,由于CSS的限制,圆角在IE中很难做到……在Raphael交叉浏览器圈子里没有汗水.

jsFiddle with Raphael – all browsers

(虽然它可能看起来更好speeded up in IE)

(function() {
    var paper,circs,i,NowX,NowY,timer,props = {},toggler = 0,elie,dx,dy,rad,cur,opa;
    // Returns a random integer between min and max  
    // Using Math.round() will give you a non-uniform distribution!  
    function ran(min,max)  
        return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;  

    function moveIt()
        for(i = 0; i < circs.length; ++i)
              // Reset when time is at zero
            if (! circs[i].time) 
                circs[i].time  = ran(30,100);
                circs[i].deg   = ran(-179,180);
                circs[i].vel   = ran(1,5);  
                circs[i].curve = ran(0,1);
                circs[i].fade  = ran(0,1);
                circs[i].grow  = ran(-2,2); 
                // Get position
            NowX = circs[i].attr("cx");
            NowY = circs[i].attr("cy");   
               // Calc movement
            dx = circs[i].vel * Math.cos(circs[i].deg * Math.PI/180);
            dy = circs[i].vel * Math.sin(circs[i].deg * Math.PI/180);
                // Calc new position
            NowX += dx;
            NowY += dy;
                // Calc wrap around
            if (NowX < 0) NowX = 490 + NowX;
            else          NowX = NowX % 490;            
            if (NowY < 0) NowY = 490 + NowY;
            else          NowY = NowY % 490;

                // Render moved particle
            circs[i].attr({cx: NowX,cy: NowY});

                // Calc growth
            rad = circs[i].attr("r");
            if (circs[i].grow > 0) circs[i].attr("r",Math.min(30,rad +  .1));
            else                   circs[i].attr("r",Math.max(10,rad -  .1));

                // Calc curve
            if (circs[i].curve > 0) circs[i].deg = circs[i].deg + 2;
            else                    circs[i].deg = circs[i].deg - 2;

                // Calc opacity
            opa = circs[i].attr("fill-opacity");
            if (circs[i].fade > 0) {
                circs[i].attr("fill-opacity",Math.max(.3,opa -  .01));
                circs[i].attr("stroke-opacity",opa -  .01)); }
            else {
                circs[i].attr("fill-opacity",Math.min(1,opa +  .01));
                circs[i].attr("stroke-opacity",opa +  .01)); }

            // Progress timer for particle
            circs[i].time = circs[i].time - 1;

                // Calc damping
            if (circs[i].vel < 1) circs[i].time = 0;
            else circs[i].vel = circs[i].vel - .05;              

        timer = setTimeout(moveIt,60);

    window.onload = function () {
        paper = Raphael("canvas",500,500);
        circs = paper.set();
        for (i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
            opa = ran(3,10)/10;
            circs.push(,500),ran(0,ran(10,30)).attr({"fill-opacity": opa,"stroke-opacity": opa}));
        circs.attr({fill: "#00DDAA",stroke: "#00DDAA"});
        elie = document.getElementById("toggle");
        elie.onclick = function() {
            (toggler++ % 2) ? (function(){
                    elie.value = " Stop ";
                }()) : (function(){
                    elie.value = " Start ";


这个jQuery尝试在IE中几乎失败,在FF中很慢. Chrome和Safari做得很好:

jsFiddle example for all browsers (IE is not that good)


jsFiddle example for Chrome and Safari only (4x more particles)

(function() {
    var x,y,$elie,pos,$that,vel,deg,fade,curve,ko,mo,oo,grow,len;

    // Returns a random integer between min and max  
    // Using Math.round() will give you a non-uniform distribution!  
    function ran(min,max)  
        return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;  

    function moveIt()
        $("div.spec").each(function(i,v) {
            $elie = $(v);
            if (! $"time"))

            vel = $"vel");
            deg = $"deg");
            fade = $"fade");            
            curve = $"curve");
            grow = $"grow");

            len = $elie.width();
            if (grow > 0)
                len = Math.min(len + grow,50);
                len = Math.max(len + grow,20);



            pos = $elie.position();            

            $"time",$"time") - 1);

            if (curve)
                $"deg",(deg + 5) % 180);
                $"deg",(deg - 5) % 180);

            ko = $elie.css("-khtml-opacity");
            mo = $elie.css("-moz-opacity");
            oo = $elie.css("opacity");
            if (fade)
                $elie.css("-khtml-opacity",Math.max(ko - .1,.5));
                $elie.css("-moz-opacity",Math.max(mo - .1,.5));
                $elie.css("opacity",Math.max(oo - .1,.5));
            } else
                $elie.css("-khtml-opacity",Math.min(ko - -.1,1));
                $elie.css("-moz-opacity",Math.min(mo - -.1,1));
                $elie.css("opacity",Math.min(oo - -.1,1));                

            if (vel < 3)
                $"vel",vel - .2);            

            NowX = pos.left;
            NowY =;

            x = vel * Math.cos(deg * Math.PI/180);
            y = vel * Math.sin(deg * Math.PI/180);

            NowX = NowX + x;            
            NowY = NowY + y;

            if (NowX < 0)
                NowX = 490 + NowX;
                NowX = NowX % 490;

            if (NowY < 0)
                NowY = 490 + NowY;
                NowY = NowY % 490;            
    $(function() {
        $elie = $("<div/>").attr("class","spec");
        // Note that math random is inclussive for 0 and exclussive for Max
        for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
            $that = $elie.clone();  
        timer = setInterval(moveIt,60);
        $("input").toggle(function() {
            this.value = " Start ";
        },function() {
            timer = setInterval(moveIt,60);        
            this.value = " Stop ";            


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