使用async / await将现有C#同步方法转换为异步?

从同步I / O绑定方法开始(如下所示),如何使用async / await使其异步?

public int Iobound(sqlConnection conn,sqlTransaction tran)
    // this stored procedure takes a few seconds to complete
    sqlCommand cmd = new sqlCommand("MyIoboundStoredProc",conn,tran);
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

    sqlParameter returnValue = cmd.Parameters.Add("ReturnValue",sqlDbType.Int);
    returnValue.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;

    return (int)returnValue.Value;

MSDN示例都假设存在* Async方法,并且没有为I / O绑定操作自己创建一个指导.


我想使用async / await,但我仍然坚持这个如何继续转换此方法的基本问题.



// change return type to Task<int>
public async Task<int> Iobound(sqlConnection conn,sqlTransaction tran) 
    // this stored procedure takes a few seconds to complete
    using (sqlCommand cmd = new sqlCommand("MyIoboundStoredProc",tran)) 
        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
        sqlParameter returnValue = cmd.Parameters.Add("ReturnValue",sqlDbType.Int);
        returnValue.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
        // use async IO method and await it
        await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
        return (int) returnValue.Value;


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