java – 在Statement与ResultSet上设置提取大小之间的区别

在Statement与ResultSet上设置提取大小有什么区别? Oracle文档说如果在Statement上设置了获取大小,那么ResultSet也会使用相同的大小,只要在获取结果集之前设置了获取大小.如果我在Statement或ResultSet上设置它会有什么不同?我正在使用Oracle数据库.以下是有关它的Oracle文档:

Fetch Size

By default,when Oracle JDBC runs a query,it retrieves a result set of 10 rows at a time from the database cursor. This is the default Oracle row fetch size value. You can change the number of rows retrieved with each trip to the database cursor by changing the row fetch size value.

Standard JDBC also enables you to specify the number of rows fetched with each database round-trip for a query,and this number is referred to as the fetch size. In Oracle JDBC,the row-prefetch value is used as the default fetch size in a statement object. Setting the fetch size overrides the row-prefetch setting and affects subsequent queries run through that statement object.

Fetch size is also used in a result set. When the statement object run a query,the fetch size of the statement object is passed to the result set object produced by the query. However,you can also set the fetch size in the result set object to override the statement fetch size that was passed to it.





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