objective-c – 使用淡出动画关闭旋转时的UIPopover


- (void)willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
    [toolsPopoverController dismisspopoverAnimated:YES];

有没有人知道在Pages / Numbers中实现相同效果的最佳方法




If the user rotates the device while a popover is visible,the popover controller hides the popover and then shows it again at the end of the rotation. The popover controller attempts to position the popover appropriately for you but you may have to present it again or hide it altogether in some cases. For example,when displayed from a bar button item,the popover controller automatically adjusts the position (and potentially the size) of the popover to account for changes to the position of the bar button item. However,if you remove the bar button item during the rotation,or if you presented the popover from a target rectangle in a view,the popover controller does not attempt to reposition the popover. In those cases,you must manually hide the popover or present it again from an appropriate new position. You can do this in the didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation: method of the view controller that you used to present the popover.

看起来通过在willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:方法调用[toolsPopoverController dismisspopoverAnimated:YES],您将在旋转过渡期间隐藏弹出窗口时忽略动画.




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