ios – 将未对齐的缓冲区提供给MTLBuffer是否安全?


问题是makeBuffer需要页面对齐的内存地址和页面对齐的长度.这些要求不仅在文档中 – 它们也是使用运行时断言强制执行的.




extension MTLDevice {
    func makeTextureFromUnalignedBuffer(textureDescriptor : MTLTextureDescriptor,bufferPtr : UnsafeMutableRawPointer,bufferLength : UInt,bytesPerRow : Int) -> MTLTexture? {

        var calculatedBufferLength = bufferLength
        let pageSize = UInt(getpagesize())
        let pageSizeBitmask = UInt(getpagesize()) - 1

        let alignedBufferAddr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(bitPattern: bufferPtr) & ~pageSizeBitmask)
        let offset = UInt(bitPattern: bufferPtr) & pageSizeBitmask

        assert(bytesPerRow % 64 == 0 && offset % 64 == 0,"Supplied bufferPtr and bytesPerRow must be aligned on a 64-byte boundary!")

        calculatedBufferLength += offset

        if (calculatedBufferLength & pageSizeBitmask) != 0 {
            calculatedBufferLength &= ~(pageSize - 1)
            calculatedBufferLength += pageSize

        let buffer = self.makeBuffer(bytesNoCopy: alignedBufferAddr!,length: Int(calculatedBufferLength),options: .storageModeShared,deallocator: nil)
        return buffer.makeTexture(descriptor: textureDescriptor,offset: Int(offset),bytesPerRow: bytesPerRow)




我已就此问题提交了Apple TSI(技术支持事件),答案基本上是肯定的,这是安全的.以下是有兴趣的人的确切回复:

After discussing your approach with engineering we concluded that it
was valid and safe. Some noteworthy quotes:

“The framework shouldn’t care about the fact that the user doesn’t own
the entire page,because it shouldn’t ever read before the offset
where the valid data begins.”

“It really shouldn’t [care],but in general if the developer can use
page-allocators rather than malloc for their incoming images,that
would be nice.”

As to why the alignment constraints/assertions are in place:

“Typically mapping memory you don’t own into another address space is a bit icky,even if it works in practice. This is one reason why we required mapping to be page aligned,because the hardware really is mapping (and gaining write access) to the entire page.”


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