xamarin.ios – 为什么MonoTouch GC无法使用refcount> 1来杀死托管对象?

我想我已经接近理解 how Mono GC and ObjC ref counting live together了.

The way it works is that when a native object has a reference count of 1,we do not prevent the managed instance from getting garbage collected. As soon as the reference count increases above 1,we prevent the managed instance from getting garbage collected.

This is because a managed object may contain user state. For managed objects which are mirroring a corresponding native object (such as the managed UIView instance) MonoTouch knows that the instance can not contain any state,so as soon as no managed code has a reference to the managed instance,the GC can collect it. If a managed instance is required at a later stage,we just create a new one.






Why can’t it be collected? Of course it may have managed state like properties,but if there is no link to it from managed objects,who cares about this state? It may as well just disappear,why can’t it?



class MyView : UIView {
    public string ImportantSecret;

class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate {
    UIViewController vc;
    public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication app,NSDictionary options)
        var myView = new MyView ();
        myView.ImportantSecret = "MonoTouchRocks";

        vc = new UIViewController ();
        vc.View = new UIView ();
        vc.View.AddSubView (myView);

        // When this method returns the only place where myView is referenced
        // is from inside the *native* Subviews collection.

        BeginInvokeOnMainThread (() =>
            Console.WriteLine (((MyView) vc.Subviews [0]).ImportantSecret);
            // If the MyView instance was garbage collected and recreated
            // automatically at this point,ImportantSecret would be null.

重要提示:此代码仅用于说明GC无法收集可能具有状态的托管对象的原因.这个特定的示例实际上不会忘记重要的秘密,因为Subviews数组会自动缓存在托管代码中 – 但这通常不正确.


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