ios – xcode 6.1 iphone / ipad storyboard

试图在 xcode的新故事板上设计 iphone UI:

对于设计iphone UI来说,这似乎有点随意.



从XCode 6开始,使用名为Size Classes的新功能组合了iPhone和iPad的故事板.这是一件好事(大部分时间),因为它可以让你设计一个适应不同屏幕尺寸的界面.


如果你想使用新的Size Classes,请参阅越来越多的教程之一,比如Ray Wenderlich:



a. Select File|New|Project.

b. Select iOS,Application and click "Single View Application."

c. Click Next.

d. Give the project a name,then click "Next."

e. Pick a location and click "Create" to create the project.


a. Select Main.storyboard,and select the file inspector (the document icon at the top of the right pane) if it is not already selected.

b. Uncheck "Use Size Classes."
c. A dlialog will appear. Select "iPhone" from the drop down menu,then click "disable Size Classes."
d. Rename the storyboard as "Main_iPhone.storyboard."


a. Select File|New|File from the menu bar. From the dialog that appears,select iOS|UserInterface. Click on "Storyboard" and click "Next."
b. Rename the file as "Main_iPad.storyboard," then save it,typically in the Base.lproj folder of your project folder.
c. Add a view controller,and make it the initial view controller by clicking the "Is Initial View Controller" check Box in the Attributes Inspector pane.


a. Open the Info.plist.

b. Change the name for "Main storyboard file base name" from "Main" to "Main_iPhone.storyboard".

.c Add a new property called "Main storyboard file base name (iPad)" and give it the name "Main_iPad."



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