我正在为我们公司的“小部件”创建JavaScript API,以便人们可以将其包含在他们的网站上.如果用户按下该小部件中的按钮,我想增加小部件的大小,例如从300×200到600×400.到目前为止这么好,有点JS,我很高兴.但是有两个限制:
(1)我想在页面上“溢出”大于300×200的任何内容,即我不只是增加主机的大小< div>标记,以便页面上的其他元素移开;我实际上想要覆盖页面中的其他元素.
我认为位置/显示/浮动CSS属性的一些适当组合是我需要的 – 但我还没有能够围绕所需的精确组合.
编辑12/8/11 –
仅供将来参考,我最终使用jquery UI position()重载来帮助我进行定位.这是我最终使用的代码:
// Create a placeholder object and then hide the engage display element. var host = engageObject.getHost(); var engageHost = engageObject.getEngageHost(); var parent = engageObject.getParentElement(); this.mPlaceholder = document.createElement('div'); $(this.mPlaceholder) .width($(engageHost).width()) .height($(engageHost).height()) .css('float','left'); parent.insertBefore(this.mPlaceholder,host); $(engageHost).hide(); // Update the host's layout this.mOriginalHostPositioning = $(host).css('position'); this.mOriginalHostWidth = $(host).width(); this.mOriginalHostHeight = $(host).height(); $(host).width($(this.mConnectHost).width()); $(host).height($(this.mConnectHost).height()); $(host).css('position','absolute'); // If we would otherwise spill out of the window on the right or the bottom,// make sure we expand in the correct direction. var topLeft = $(parent).offset(); var right = topLeft.left + $(this.mConnectHost).width(); var bottom = + $(this.mConnectHost).height(); var posstr; if (right > $(window).width()) { posstr = "right "; } else { posstr = "left "; } if (bottom > $(window).height()) { posstr += "bottom"; } else { posstr += "top"; } $(host).position({ my: posstr,at: posstr,of: parent });
<!-- The following div takes up the space behind the floating applet. In your case 300x200 or 600x400 ect --> <div style="width:300; height:200; float:left;"> </div> <!-- The following div is where your widget goes (floating above the rest of the page) --> <div style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; z-index:2;"> Your widget code here </div> <div style="clear:both"> Other code on the website here. </div>