网页抓取 – 是否允许网页抓取?

我正在开发一个需要来自其他网站的某些统计数据的项目,并且我已经创建了一个HTML scraper,可以每15分钟自动获取一次这些数据.但是,我现在停止了机器人,就像他们的使用条款一样,他们提到他们不允许它.






我引用Pablo Hoffman的(Scrapinghub联合创始人)回答“网络抓取的合法性是什么?”,我在其他网站上找到:

First things first: I am not a lawyer and these comments are solely
based on my experience working at 07000,please seek legal
assistance accordingly.

Here are a few things to consider when scraping public data from websites (note that the following addresses only US law):

  • As long as they don’t crawl at a disruptive rate,scrapers do not breach any contract (in the form of terms of use) or commit a crime
    (as defined in the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act).
  • Website’s user agreement 07001 as a browsewrap agreement because companies do not provide sufficient notice of the
    terms to site visitors.
  • Scrapers accesses website data as a visitor,
    and by following paths similar to a search engine. This can be done
    without registering as a user (and explicitly accepting any terms).
  • In Nguyen v. Barnes & Noble,Inc. the courts 07002 that simply placing a
    link to a terms of use at the bottom of webpage is not sufficient to
    “give rise to constructive notice.” In other words,there is nothing
    on a public page that would imply that merely accessing the
    information is subject to any contractual terms. Scrapers gives
    neither explicit nor implicit assent to any agreement,therefore
    breaches no contract.
  • Social networks,for example,assign the value of becoming a user (based on call-to-action on public page),as the ability to: i) Gain access to full profiles,ii) Identify common friends/connections,iii) Get introduced to others,and iv) Contact members directly. As long as scrapers makes no attempt to perform any of these actions they do not gain “unauthorized access” to their services and thus does not violate 07003
  • A thorough evaluation of the legal issues involved can be seen here: 07004


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