html – 隐藏a,同时仍然涉及宽度计算

            <td>Column One</td>
            <td>Column Two</td>
            <td>Column Three</td>



是否可以隐藏< tr>从视图,但仍然包括在列宽度计算完成(例如,调整大小,由浏览器)在表格布局:auto;?

我试过设置高度:0; (和max-height:0;),但是从other SO questions学到了这不起作用,因为display:table-cell;.同样,设置行高:0;失败了,但我想它会因为我的一些列有阻止内容.

我还考虑在< td> s上明确设置宽度,但这会使表保持流畅(我必须在调整大小时删除显式宽度,这可能会导致宽度跳跃,并且除非全部行是可见的,并包含在浏览器的表调整大小计算中).

编辑:为了澄清,通过隐藏视图我的意思是隐藏在显示的意义上:none;,not visibility:hidden;.如果元素在隐藏时不保留原始高度,后者将起作用,但不幸的是情况并非如此.



如果我理解正确你正在寻找 visibility: collapse;声明:


The visibility property takes the value collapse for row,row
group,column,and column group elements. This value causes the entire
row or column to be removed from the display,and the space normally
taken up by the row or column to be made available for other content.
Contents of spanned rows and columns that intersect the collapsed
column or row are clipped. The suppression of the row or column,
however,does not otherwise affect the layout of the table. This
allows dynamic effects to remove table rows or columns without forcing
a re-layout of the table in order to account for the potential change
in column constraints.

然而,似乎这在某些Web浏览器上存在问题. MDN states

The support for visibility:collapse is missing or partially incorrect
in some modern browsers. In many cases it may not be correctly treated
like visibility:hidden on elements other than table rows and columns.

不幸的是,它充当了可见性:隐藏在Chrome37:Demo Here上.

但幸运的是,您可以通过line-height: 0声明伪造效果

Updated Demo

.hidden {
  visibility: collapse;
  line-height: 0; /* Set the height of the line Box to 0
                     in order to remove the occupied space */


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