.net 4.0还支持asmx

>我在VS2010中打开了我的.net 2.0 ASMX webservice,并迁移到.net4.0.如果我只是运行我的ASMX w / o更改te代码到WCF格式,我仍然可以运行旧的asmx服务.net 4.0?这样做是否正常?
> WCF / net4.0不支持附件,是否需要更改我的asmx webmethod作为数据集返回到正文,这将会工作吗?
>我尝试运行我现有的asmx服务使用数据集作为附件在.net 4.0和它的工作?
>我可以看到asmx文件可以在.net 2010中添加吗?他们还是支持吗?


是的,您也可以在.NET 4.0中使用ASMX.

引用Dave Ward从他的答复发表评论他的职位在Encosia名为ASMX and JSON – Common mistakes and misconceptions

I think WCF is great in situations
where you can take advantage of its
strengths,like when you can use the
tcpBinding mode. However,WCF’s
complexity makes it hard to serIoUsly
consider for simple AJAX callback
functionality where a better targeted,
more mature solution already exists.

ASMX is by no means deprecated or obsolete,even in .NET 4. That’s actually one of the misconceptions I’m going to cover in this series.


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