html – flex-wrap导致下一行有太大的差距

参见英文答案 > Remove space (gaps) between multiple lines of flex items when they wrap1个
> How does flex-wrap work with align-self,align-items and align-content?2个



.vertical-center {
  min-height: 100%;  /* Fallback for vh unit */
  min-height: 100vh; /* You might also want to use
                        'height' property instead.

                        Note that for percentage values of
                        'height' or 'min-height' properties,the 'height' of the parent element
                        should be specified explicitly.

                        In this case the parent of '.vertical-center'
                        is the <body> element */

  /* Make it a flex container */
  display: -webkit-Box;
  display: -moz-Box;
  display: -ms-flexBox;
  display: -webkit-flex;
  display: flex; 

  /* Align the bootstrap's container vertically */
    -webkit-Box-align : center;
  -webkit-align-items : center;
       -moz-Box-align : center;
       -ms-flex-align : center;
          align-items : center;

  /* In legacy web browsers such as Firefox 9
     we need to specify the width of the flex container */
  width: 100%;

  /* Also 'margin: 0 auto' doesn't have any effect on flex items in such web browsers
     hence the bootstrap's container won't be aligned to the center anymore.

     Therefore,we should use the following declarations to get it centered again */
         -webkit-Box-pack : center;
            -moz-Box-pack : center;
            -ms-flex-pack : center;
  -webkit-justify-content : center;
          justify-content : center;

          flex-wrap: wrap;


p.white,h1.white,h2.white,h3.white,h4.white,h5.white,h6.white {
    color: white;

.flexBox-text {
    margin: -50px,0px,-50px,0px;


<div class="vertical-center">
      <h1 class="text-center white flexBox-text">{{mottoText}}</h1>
      <h3 class="text-center white flexBox-text">{{mottoSubText}}</h3>



.vertical-center {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  height: 100vh;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;

p.white,h6.white {
    color: black;
    margin: 0;
<div class="vertical-center">
   <h1 class="text-center white flexBox-text">THIS IS TITLE</h1>
   <h3 class="text-center white flexBox-text">SUBTITLE</h3>


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