MIKE 11 GIS是什么?

DHI MIKE GIS 2012 SP3 | 1.5 Gb MIKE 11 GIS merges the technologies of numerical river modelling and Geographic information Systems (GIS). It is developed as a fully integrated interface in the well-kNown and established ArcView GIS.
mike11gis融合了河流数值模拟和地理信息系统(GIS)的技术。它是作为一个在著名的和已建立的ArcView GIS中完全集成的接口开发的。
The MIKE 11 GIS is developed by DHI in ArcView as an interface for the general hydraulic modelling system MIKE 11. The system is used for schematisation of the flood plains, as a basis for the model simulations, and for the post-processing of results to produce flood maps etc.
MIKE 11GIS由DHI在ArcView中开发,作为通用液压建模系统MIKE 11的接口。该系统用于洪泛平原的规划,作为模型模拟的基础,并用于结果的后处理以生成洪水图等。
MIKE 11 GIS is a pre- and post-processing module for MIKE 11. As an extension to ESRI ArcMAP 10.1 version and requires that ArcGIS is pre-installed. It assist setting up network, cross sectional and boundary files for MIKE 11 models, and can be used to present time series results and flood maps from MIKE 11 simulations. It also includes non point and point pollutant load estimation tools for MIKE 11 WQ simulations. A comprehensive time series data management capability is included.
mike11gis是mike11的预处理和后处理模块。作为ESRI ArcMap10.1版本的扩展,需要预先安装ArcGIS。它有助于为mike11模型建立网络、横截面和边界文件,并可用于显示mike11模拟的时间序列结果和洪水图。它还包括用于mike11wq模拟的非点和点污染物负荷估计工具。包括全面的时间序列数据管理功能
Fixed issues 2012 Service Pack 3:

Please note that the service packs are accumulative, i.e. corrections and fixes released with a prevIoUs service pack are included in the newest service pack as well. 

- In rare cases the license system consumes a large amount of memory 
- Branch connections problem in MIKE 11 Network file. If a network file was imported to MIKE 11 GIS and the network after editions was exported back into a network file, the branch connections in the exported file Could be wrongly defined in some cases. >>DHI:https://baike.baidu.com/item/DHI/505020?fr=aladdin >>基于MIKE与GIS的城市洪水风险分析及应用


https://www.osgeo.cn/qgis-tutorial/overview.html https:...