KenKen拼图附加项:REDUX A已更正非递归算法




from __future__ import division
from math import ceil

def make_combos(max_val,target_sum,n_cells):
    combos = []
    # The highest possible value of the next cell is whatever is 
    # largest of the max_val, or the target_sum minus the number 
    # of remaining cells (as you can't enter 0).
    highest = min(max_val, target_sum - n_cells + 1)
    # The lowest is the lowest number you can have that will add upp to 
    # target_sum if you multiply it with n_cells.
    lowest = int(ceil(target_sum/n_cells))
    for x in range(highest, lowest-1, -1):
        if n_cells == 1: # This is the last cell, no more recursion.
        # Recurse to get the next cell:
        # Set the max to x (or we'll get duplicates like
        # (6,3,2,1) and (6,2,3,1), which is pointless.
        # Reduce the target_sum with x to keep the sum correct.
        # Reduce the number of cells with 1.
        for combo in make_combos(x, target_sum-x, n_cells-1):
    return combos

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import pprint
    # And by using pprint the output gets easier to read
    pprint.pprint(make_combos( 6,12,4))

我还注意到您的解决方案似乎仍然有问题。例如,对于这些值,max_val=8, target_sum=20 and n_cells=5您的代码找不到解决方(8,6,4,1,1,)。我不确定这是否意味着我错过了一条规则,但是据我了解,这些规则应该是有效的选择。


from __future__ import division
from math import ceil

def make_combos(max_val,target_sum,n_cells):
    highest = min(max_val, target_sum - n_cells + 1)
    lowest = int(ceil(target_sum/n_cells))
    for x in xrange(highest, lowest-1, -1):
        if n_cells == 1:
            yield (x,)
        for combo in make_combos(x, target_sum-x, n_cells-1):
            yield (x,)+combo

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import pprint
    pprint.pprint(list(make_combos( 6,12,4)))


此问题与KenKen拉丁方谜题的某些部分有关,这些部分要求您查找具有值x的ncell数的所有可能组合,使得1 <= x <= maxval和x(1)+
… + x(ncells)= targetum。测试了一些更有希望的答案后,我将把答案奖授予Lennart Regebro,因为:

  1. 他的作息速度和我的一样快(+ -5%),并且

  2. 他指出,我原来的例程在某个地方有一个错误,这使我看到了它真正在试图做什么。谢谢,Lennart。


= 100,n_cells = 5,target_sum = 250,在我的盒子上是18秒vs. 8分钟以上。)道德:不生成所有可能的组合都是好的。

另一句话:Lennart和我的例程 以相同的顺序 生成 相同的答案 。从不同的角度看,它们实际上是同一算法吗?我不知道。

我出事了。如果您对答案进行排序,则以(8,8,2,1,1)开始,以(4,4,4)结尾(以max_val = 8,n_cells =
5,target_sum得到的结果) =


#!/usr/bin/env python
#filename: -- stripped for StackOverflow

def initialize_combo( max_val,n_cells,target_sum):
    """returns combo
    Starting from left,fills combo to max_val or an intermediate value from 1 up.  
    E.g.:  Given max_val = 5,n_cells=4,target_sum = 11,creates [5,1].
    combo = []
    #Put 1 in each cell.
    combo += [1] * n_cells
    need = target_sum - sum(combo)
    #Fill as many cells as possible to max_val.
    n_full_cells = need //(max_val - 1)
    top_up = max_val - 1
    for i in range( n_full_cells): combo[i] += top_up
    need = target_sum - sum(combo)
    # Then add the rest to next item.
    if need > 0:
        combo[n_full_cells] += need
    return combo
#def initialize_combo()

def scrunch_left( combo):
    """returns (new_combo,done)
    done   Boolean; if True,ignore new_combo,all done;
            if Falso,new_combo is valid.

    Starts a new combo list.  Scanning from right to left,looks for first
    element at least 2 greater than right-end element.  
    If one is found,decrements it,then scrunches all available counts on its
    right up against its right-hand side.  Returns the modified combo.
    If none found,(that is,either no step or single step of 1),process
    new_combo = []
    right_end = combo[-1]
    length = len(combo)
    c_range = range(length-1,-1,-1)
    found_step_gt_1 = False
    for index in c_range:
        value = combo[index]
        if (value - right_end) > 1:
            found_step_gt_1 = True
    if not found_step_gt_1:
        return ( new_combo,True)

    if index > 0:
        new_combo += combo[:index]
    ceil = combo[index] - 1
    new_combo += [ceil]
    new_combo += [1] * ((length - 1) - index)
    need = sum(combo[index:]) - sum(new_combo[index:])
    fill_height = ceil - 1
    ndivf = need // fill_height
    nmodf = need % fill_height
    if ndivf > 0:
        for j in range(index + 1,index + ndivf + 1):
            new_combo[j] += fill_height
    if nmodf > 0:
        new_combo[index + ndivf + 1] += nmodf
    return (new_combo,False)
#def scrunch_left()

def make_combos_n_cells_ge_two( combos,max_val,target_sum):
    Build combos,list of tuples of 2 or more addends.
    combo = initialize_combo( max_val,target_sum)
    combos.append( tuple( combo))
    while True:
        (combo,done) = scrunch_left( combo)
        if done:
            combos.append( tuple( combo))
    return combos
#def make_combos_n_cells_ge_two()

if __name__ == '__main__':

    combos = []
    max_val     = 8
    n_cells     = 5
    target_sum  = 20
    if n_cells == 1: combos.append( (target_sum,))
        combos = make_combos_n_cells_ge_two( combos,target_sum)
    import pprint
    pprint.pprint( combos)