

如何在不覆盖相同密钥的先前数据的情况下将数据添加到Firestore?例如,我想将一个名为“ Player 1”的文档添加到“轨迹记录”集合中。我想在一个游戏中将玩家1的所有位置记录在一个文档中。换句话说,如何将数据附加到Firestore文档?


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Firebase.Firestore;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Firebase.Auth;

public class TrajectoryToFirebase : MonoBehaviour
    protected bool operationInProgress;
    protected Task previousTask;
    protected CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

    // name of the collection container that documents get stored into 
    protected string collectionPath = "Trajectory Log";
    protected string documentId = "";

    public float samplingRate = 1f;
    private System.DateTime dt;
    private Vector3 lastpos = Vector3.zero;
    private Quaternion lastrot = Quaternion.identity;

    //public GameStats gameStats;
    public Text text;

    //Boilerplate taskmanagement code made by the Firebase People
    class WaitForTaskCompletion : CustomYieldInstruction
        Task task;
        TrajectoryToFirebase dbManager;
        protected CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

        // Create an enumerator that waits for the specified task to complete.
        public WaitForTaskCompletion(TrajectoryToFirebase dbManager,Task task)
            dbManager.previousTask = task;
            dbManager.operationInProgress = true;
            this.dbManager = dbManager;
            this.task = task;

        // Wait for the task to complete.
        public override bool keepWaiting
                if (task.IsCompleted)
                    dbManager.operationInProgress = false;
                    dbManager.cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
                    if (task.IsFaulted)
                        string s = task.Exception.ToString();
                    return false;
                return true;


    //Get the instance of the Firestore database 
    protected FirebaseFirestore db
            return FirebaseFirestore.DefaultInstance;

    private CollectionReference GetCollectionReference()
        return db.Collection(collectionPath);

    //Gets the reference to the docuement in Firstore
    //Here I am just setting the document manually to the userID of the sign in user
    private DocumentReference GetDocumentReference()
         //documentId = FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.CurrentUser.UserId;

         documentId = "User 1";
        return GetCollectionReference().Document(documentId);

    // Need function here that sends log data to firestore
    // make this so that it checks to see if the document is null,and if it is not,it appends to the previous entry
    // Firebase transaction?

    public void TrackTrajectory()
        Debug.Log("Trajectory Tracker Called");


        if (transform.position != lastpos || transform.rotation != lastrot)
            var data = new Dictionary<string,object>
                {"Time",System.Math.Round(Time.time,2)},{"Pos X",System.Math.Round(transform.position.x,3)},{"Pos Y",System.Math.Round(transform.position.y,{"Pos Z",System.Math.Round(transform.position.z,{"Rot X",System.Math.Round(transform.rotation.x,{"Rot Y",System.Math.Round(transform.rotation.y,{"Rot Z",System.Math.Round(transform.rotation.z,};

            Debug.Log("I recorded trajectory data");

            // append here? firestore transaction?

            lastpos = transform.position;
            lastrot = transform.rotation;


    // starts "timer" to start recording position and orientation?
    public void Start()
        dt = System.DateTime.Now;
        InvokeRepeating("TrackTrajectory",0f,1f / samplingRate);

    // ***  what does this do?

    public void readDataButton()

    private static string DictToString(IDictionary<string,object> d)
        return "{ " + d
            .Select(kv => "(" + kv.Key + "," + kv.Value + ")")
            .Aggregate("",(current,next) => current + next + ",")
            + "}";

    //Writes the data 
    private IEnumerator WriteDoc(DocumentReference doc,IDictionary<string,object> data)
        Task setTask = doc.SetAsync(data);
        yield return new WaitForTaskCompletion(this,setTask);
        if (!(setTask.IsFaulted || setTask.IsCanceled))
            Debug.Log("Data written");

    private IEnumerator ReadDoc(DocumentReference doc)
        Task<DocumentSnapshot> getTask = doc.GetSnapshotAsync();
        yield return new WaitForTaskCompletion(this,getTask);
        if (!(getTask.IsFaulted || getTask.IsCanceled))
            DocumentSnapshot snap = getTask.Result;

            IDictionary<string,object> resultData = snap.ToDictionary();
            text.text = DictToString(resultData);
            Debug.Log("Data read");
            text.text = "Error";






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