通过pl / sql过程将逗号分隔的带有行距和空值的值拆分为表中的列


我在表中有一个字符串clob值,我需要将其分成几列。 源表查询

JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
js.executeScript("document.getElementById('Div_Id').innerHTML="+ DesiredText);

在clob列的值中也有空格,空值和行间距。 因此,当我尝试使用

Insert into disp_data(id,data) values(100,'"Project title as per the outstanding Requirements","The values are not with respect to the requirement and analysis done by the team. 
Also it is difficult to prepare a scenario notwithstanding the fact it is difficult. This user story is going to be slightly complex however it is up to the team","Active","disabled","25 tonnes of fuel","www.examplesites.com/html.asp&net;","","25"');



select regexp_substr(data,'[^,]+',1,level) from disp_data 
connect by regexp_substr(data,level) is not null.

clob列具有11个逗号分隔的值,需要将它们作为列推入该表。 这整个过程需要通过pl / sql过程完成。


enter image description here

非常感谢您的帮助。 DB是oracle 19c


您的正则表达式needs to allow for nulls,即连续的逗号(但希望您在任何引用的字符串中都没有逗号...)。如果您有多个源行,那么使用递归CTE进行拆分会更容易:

with rcte (id,data,lvl,result) as (
  select id,1,regexp_substr(data,'(.*?)(,|$)',null,1)
  from disp_data
  union all
  select id,lvl + 1,1)
  from rcte
  where lvl <= regexp_count(data,',')
select id,result
from rcte
order by id,lvl;


with rcte (id,')
select *
from (
  select id,result
  from rcte
pivot (max(result) as col for (lvl) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11));



insert into push_data_temp (pid,col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7,col8,col9,col10,col11)
with rcte (id,11));


不需要PL / SQL,但是如果需要,您仍然可以将其包装在过程中。



with rcte (id,cast(regexp_substr(data,1) as varchar2(4000))
  from disp_data
  union all
  select id,1) as varchar2(4000))
  from rcte
  where lvl <= regexp_count(data,')




with rcte (id,'("[^"]*"|[^,]+)',]+)')


如果确实必须处理空元素,那么but more work仍然是可能的。这也不会处理没有字符串的转义双引号。在某些时候,用PL / SQL编写自己的解析器会更容易。甚至将数据写到磁盘上并作为外部表读回,可以为您处理所有这些事情。


输入Polymorphic Table Functions

您可以使用它们来动态转换comma-separated strings into a list of columns

create table disp_data (
  id int,data varchar2(1000)
Insert into disp_data(id,data) values(100,'"Project title as per the outstanding Requirements","The values are not with respect to the requirement and analysis done by the team. 
Also it is difficult to prepare a scenario notwithstanding the fact it is difficult. This user story is going to be slightly complex however it is up to the team","Active","Disabled","25 tonnes of fuel","www.examplesites.com/html.asp&net;","25"');

create or replace package csv_pkg as  
  /* The describe function defines the new columns */  
  function describe (  
    tab in out dbms_tf.table_t,col_names varchar2  
  ) return dbms_tf.describe_t;  
  /* Fetch_rows sets the values for the new columns */  
  procedure fetch_rows (col_names varchar2);  
end csv_pkg;  

create or replace package body csv_pkg as  
  function describe(  
    tab in out dbms_tf.table_t,col_names varchar2  
    return dbms_tf.describe_t as  
    new_cols dbms_tf.columns_new_t;  
    col_id   pls_integer := 2;  
    /* Enable the source colun for reading */  
    tab.column(1).pass_through := FALSE;  
    tab.column(1).for_read     := TRUE;  
    new_cols(1) := tab.column(1).description;  
    /* Extract the column names from the header string,creating a new column for each   
    for j in 1 .. ( length(col_names) - length(replace(col_names,')) ) + 1 loop   
      new_cols(col_id) := dbms_tf.column_metadata_t(  
      col_id := col_id + 1;  
    end loop;  
    return dbms_tf.describe_t( new_columns => new_cols );  
  procedure fetch_rows (col_names varchar2) as   
    rowset    dbms_tf.row_set_t;  
    row_count pls_integer;  
    /* read the input data set */  
    dbms_tf.get_row_set(rowset,row_count => row_count);  
    /* Loop through the input rows... */  
    for i in 1 .. row_count loop  
      /* ...and the defined columns,extracting the relevant value   
         start from 2 to skip the input string  
      for j in 2 .. ( length(col_names) - length(replace(col_names,')) ) + 2 loop  
        rowset(j).tab_varchar2(i) :=   
          regexp_substr(rowset(1).tab_varchar2(i),j - 1);  
      end loop;  
    end loop;  
    /* Output the new columns and their values */  
end csv_pkg; 

create or replace function csv_to_columns(  
  tab table,col_names varchar2  
) return table pipelined row polymorphic using csv_pkg; 

with rws as (
  select data from disp_data
select c1,c2,c4,c5,c6,c11
from   csv_to_columns ( 

C1                   C2                             C4         C4         C5         C6                   C11       
-------------------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ----------
"Project title as pe "The values are not with respe "Disabled" "Disabled" "25 tonnes "www.examplesites.co "25"      
r the outstanding Re ct to the requirement and anal                        of fuel"  m/html.asp&net;"               
quirements"          ysis done by the team.                                                                         
                     Also it is difficult to prepar                                                                 
                     e a scenario notwithstanding t                                                                 
                     he fact it is difficult. This                                                                  
                     user story is going to be slig                                                                 
                     htly complex however it is up                                                                  
                     to the team"