

我有很多方法,每个方法检查一组相同的条件,如果不满足任何条件,则返回null值,否则返回不同类的对象。 有没有一种方法不必为每个函数编写所有这些术语并使用更少的代码

    public A methode1()
        if ///something
            return A("xxx")
        else if ///something
            return A("yyy")
        else if ///something
            return A("zzzz")
            return Error() // or return null
    public B methode2()
        if ///something
            return B("mmmm")
        else if ///something
            return B("nnn")
        else if ///something
            return B("bbbb")
            return Error() // or return null

    public C methode3()
        if ///something
            return C("oooo")
        else if ///something
            return C("ggg")
        else if ///something
            return C("llll")
            return Error() // or return null


T GetIf<T>(Func<T> case1,Func<T> case2,Func<T> case3,Func<T> error)
    if (condition1)
        return case1();
    else if (condition2)
        return case2();
    else if (condition3)
        return case3();
        return error();

public A methode1() => GetIf<A>(() => A("xxx"),() => A("yyy"),() => A("zzzz"),Error);
public B methode2() => GetIf<B>(() => B("mmmm"),() => B("nnn"),() => B("bbbb"),Error);


public interface IOutput {
public class Output1 : IOutput{
public class Output2 : IOutput{
public class MyFactory
    public IOutput Get()// add args list of any
       if(condition) // you can use args in condition if necessary
           return new Output1();
           return new Output2();

您可以将template method patterngenerics结合使用:

use AppleScript version "2.4"
use framework "Foundation"

on run {input,parameters}
    set foundList to my findPattern:"(?<!\\d)\\d{6}(?!\\d)" inString:((item 1 of input) as text)
    return foundList
end run

on findPattern:thePattern inString:theString
    set theText to current application's NSString's stringWithString:theString
    set theRegEx to current application's NSRegularExpression's regularExpressionWithPattern:thePattern ¬
        options:0 |error|:(missing value)
    set theResult to (theRegEx's matchesInString:theText ¬
        options:0 ¬
        range:{location:0,|length|:theText's |length|})'s valueForKey:("range")
    set outputArray to {}
    repeat with thisRange in theResult
        copy (theText's substringWithRange:thisRange) as text to end of outputArray
    end repeat
    return outputArray
end findPattern:inString:


public abstract class AbstractTemplate<T>
    public T methode()
        if ///something
            return Do1();
        else if ///something
            return Do2();
        else if ///something
            return Do3();
            return Error() // or return null
    protected abstract T Do1();
    protected abstract T Do2();
    protected abstract T Do3();

public class ConcreteATemplate : AbstractTemplate<A>
    protected override T Do1() => A("xxx");
    protected override T Do2() => A("yyy");
    protected override T Do3() => A("zzzz");


private T GetIfOkay<T>(string a,string b,string c)
    where T : new()
    if (something)
        return new T(a);
    else if (something else)
        return new T(b);
    else if (yet something else)
        return new T(c);
        return null;

public A methode1()
    return GetIfOkay<A>("xxx","yyy","zzzz");

public B methode2()
    return GetIfOkay<B>("mmmm","nnn","bbbb");

// etc.

如果您需要更动态的行为,请使用@ donggas90的解决方案。






class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var objFactory = new MyFactory();
        // Get and cast return object
        A a1= (A) objFactory.ConsolidatedMethod("Condition 1 for Objct A","xxx");

        // Or Directly assian to base object
        IOutput a2 = objFactory.ConsolidatedMethod("Condition 2 for Objct A","yyyy");

        // use anonymous object
        var b1= objFactory.ConsolidatedMethod("Condition 1 for Objct B","mmmm");

        var nullcheck1 = objFactory.ConsolidatedMethod("null conditionj","i'm null");

interface IOutput

class A : IOutput
    public A(string objParam)

class B : IOutput
    public B(string objParam)

class NullOutput : IOutput
    public NullOutput(string objParam)

class MyFactory
    /// <summary>
    /// Demo 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="arg">you can use this based on your requirement </param>
    /// <param name="objparam">you can use this based on your requirement </param>
    /// <returns>IOutput</returns>
    public IOutput ConsolidatedMethod(string arg,string objparam)
        IOutput _output=default;

        if (arg == "Condition 1 for Objct A")
            _output = new A(objparam);
        else if (arg == "Condition 2 for Objct A")
            _output = new A(objparam);
        else if (arg == "Condition 1 for Objct b")
            _output = new B(objparam);
        else if (arg == "Condition 2 for Objct B")
            _output = new B(objparam);
            _output = new NullOutput(objparam);

        return _output;


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