




public interface Choice<Type> {

     * Returns the number of possible options that this choice provides.
     * @return the number of choices
    public long getChoices();
     * Returns the choice with the given index.
     * @param index - the index of the choice to return
     * @return the choice of the given index
    public Type getChoice(long index);
public class NChooseK implements Choice<int[]> {
    private final int n;
    private final int k;
    private final long count;
    public NChooseK(int n,int k) {
        if ((n<=0) || (k<0) || (k>n)) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        this.n     = n;
        this.k     = k;
        this.count = choose(n,k);

    public long getChoices() {
        return count;

    public int[] getChoice(long m) {
        if (k==0) return new int[0];
        long  count = this.count;
        int[] result = new int[this.k];
        int   n = this.n;
        int   k = this.k;
        long  x = (count-1) - m;
        while (true) {
            if (n == k) {
                while (true) {
                    result[this.k - k] = this.n - k;
                    if (k==1) return result;
            count = count * (n-k) / n;
            if (x >= count) {
                result[this.k - k] = this.n - n;
                if (k==1) return result;
                x -= count;
                count = count * k / (n-k);


    private long choose(int n,int k) {
        if (n<k) return 0;
        if (k>n-k) k=n-k;
        long b=1;
        for (int i=1,m=n; i<=k; i++,m--)
            b = b*m/i;
        return b;
public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        NChooseK nck = new NChooseK(26,13);
        long choices = nck.getChoices();
        System.out.println("Running ("+choices+" choices)...");
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (long index = 0; index<choices; index++) {
            int[] choice = nck.getChoice(index);
        long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("Done ("+((end - start)/1000.0)+"s)!");


pub trait Choice<Type> {
    /// Returns the number of possibilities for this choice.
    fn get_choices(&self) -> u32;
    /// Returns the posibility of the given index.
    fn get_choice(&self,index: u32) -> Type;
use super::choice::Choice;

pub struct NChooseK {
    n: u32,k: u32,count: u32,}

impl NChooseK {
    pub fn new(n: u32,k: u32) -> Result<NChooseK,&'static str> {
        if k > n {
            Err("invalid parameters: k cannot be larger than n")
        } else {
            Ok(NChooseK {
                n: n,k: k,count: choose(n,k).unwrap() as u32,})

impl<'a> Choice<Vec<u32>> for NChooseK {
    fn get_choices(&self) -> u32 {
    fn get_choice(&self,m: u32) -> Vec<u32> {
        if self.k == 0 {
            return vec![];
        let mut count = self.count;
        let mut result:Vec<u32> = Vec::with_capacity(self.k as usize);
        let mut n = self.n;
        let mut k = self.k;
        let mut x = (count-1) - m;
        loop {
            if n == k {
                loop {
                    result.push(self.n - k);
                    if k == 1 {
                        return result;
                    k -= 1;

            count = count * (n - k) / n;
            if x >= count {
                result.push(self.n - n);
                if k == 1 {
                    return result;
                x -= count;
                count = count * k / (n - k);

                k -= 1;

            n -= 1;

fn choose(n: u32,mut k: u32) -> Option<u64> {
    if k > n-k {
        k = n-k;    
    let mut b : u64 = 1;
    let mut m = n;
    for i in 1..=k {
        if b > 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF / (m as u64) {
            return None;
        b  = b * (m as u64) / (i as u64);
        m -= 1;
fn main() {
    let nck = NChooseK::new(26,13).unwrap();
    let choices = nck.get_choices();
    println!("Running ({} choices)...",choices);
    let start = time::precise_time_s();
    for index in 0..choices {
        let choice = nck.get_choice(index);
    let end = time::precise_time_s();
    println!("Done ({}s)!",end - start);

Rust代码大约需要12到12.5秒才能完成对get_choice的约1000万次调用,而Java代码则需要6.5到7秒! WTF?!?!?

这在Windows 7 64位系统上使用rustc v1.45.2和OpenJDK v1.8.0_212-3-redhat。


  • 最初,我有get_choices还在Rust中返回u64,但将其更改为u32,以尝试消除尽可能多的类型转换(尽管实际上并没有什么不同)。
  • 我还尝试用i32替换所有u32。也没什么区别。
  • 注释result.push(...)语句可将运行时间降至9至9.5s。这是一个很大的差异(比我预期的要大!),但仍然比Java慢!
  • 如果我取消注释内部循环中的print语句并将参数更改为更合理的值(例如,NChooseK(7,3)),则两个版本的确产生相同的准确输出值(ArrayTools.toString(...)只是一个简单的辅助函数,将整数数组的组成部分用逗号连接成一个字符串;由于这里已经有太多代码,因此决定将其省略)


在尝试压缩性能时,始终使用longcargo build --release来使cargo run --release / rustc优化代码:



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