如果行不是以UNIX Shell中的时间戳开头的,则将其连接到上一行




[ 2020/08/12 11:40] Success with "one line [42]"
[ 2020/08/12 11:40] Success with "two
lines [13]"
[ 2020/08/12 11:40] Success with "two lines with a twist
[19] to confuse you"
[ 2020/08/12 11:41] Failure with "one line again"


awk -v RS="[" 'NR>1{$1=$1; print RS,$0}'

但是,您可以在上面的“扭曲”行上看到失败的地方。 “扭曲”行以[开头,这不是时间戳的一部分。




awk '
  printf("%s%s",$0~/^\[ [0-9]{4}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}/\
END{ print "" }
' Input_file




在我看来,您真正的问题实际上是您带引号的字符串可以包含换行符,因此,这种GNU awk解决方案(用于多字符RS)用于查找带引号的字符串可能比在开始时查找时间戳更健壮。行:

$ awk -v RS='"[^"]*"' '{gsub("\n"," ",RT); ORS=RT} 1' file
[ 2020/08/12 11:40] Success with "one line [42]"
[ 2020/08/12 11:40] Success with "two lines [13]"
[ 2020/08/12 11:40] Success with "two lines with a twist [19] to confuse you"
[ 2020/08/12 11:41] Failure with "one line again"

如果您引用的字符串可以包含一个可能出现在行首的时间戳,则这比检查以时间戳开头的行更好。 (请注意"four lines with a twist...块中的时间戳记):

$ cat file
[ 2020/08/12 11:40] Success with "one line [42]"
[ 2020/08/12 11:40] Success with "two
lines [13]"
[ 2020/08/12 11:40] Success with "four lines with a twist
[ 2020/08/12 11:40] to confuse you
repeatedly and
in ""horrible"" ways"
[ 2020/08/12 11:41] Failure with "one line again"

$ awk -v RS='"[^"]*"' '{ORS=gensub("\n","g",RT)} 1' file
[ 2020/08/12 11:40] Success with "one line [42]"
[ 2020/08/12 11:40] Success with "two lines [13]"
[ 2020/08/12 11:40] Success with "four lines with a twist [ 2020/08/12 11:40] to confuse you repeatedly and in ""horrible"" ways"
[ 2020/08/12 11:41] Failure with "one line again"


$ cat log

[ 2020/08/12 11:40] Success with "one line [42]"
[ 2020/08/12 11:40] Success with "two
lines [13]"
[ 2020/08/12 11:40] Success with "two lines with a twist
[19] to confuse you"
[ 2020/08/12 11:41] Failure with "one line again"


$ gawk 'gsub("\"","\"") == 1 {x=$0; getline; print x " " $0;} gsub("\"","\"") == 2 {print}' log

[ 2020/08/12 11:40] Success with "one line [42]"
[ 2020/08/12 11:40] Success with "two lines [13]"
[ 2020/08/12 11:40] Success with "two lines with a twist [19] to confuse you"
[ 2020/08/12 11:41] Failure with "one line again"


错误1:Request method ‘DELETE‘ not supported 错误还原:...
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错误1:private field ‘xxx‘ is never assigned 按Alt...
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